"What's your name?"

"Harry. As in Harry with hairy feet."

Louis laughed and poked one of the boy's dimples. "You've got holes in your cheeks!" he exclaimed. Harry chuckled and shook his head, "No Lou Lou, they are dimples."


Harry nodded.

"Do I have dimples too?" Louis smiled widely, crinkling his eyes and scrunching his nose to expose his white set of baby teeth. Harry laughed and shook his head, "No, sorry Lou Lou."

Louis frowned and sat on the bed next to the boy. "Can I touch your hair? It's curly and I've never touched curly hair before."

Harry smiled and dipped his head so the curious three year old could card his fingers through his curls.

"It's soft," Louis said, pulling his hand back. "How old are you? I'm three, but on Christmas Eve, it'll be my birthday and I'll be turning four!" He lifted four little fingers to show Harry. "It's cool cause Santa brings me presents on my birthday and Christmas so I get alot of presents!"

Harry chuckled, "I bet. I'm 18, Lou."

Louis eyes widened, "Wow! You're old! Not as old as my mummy because she's like a bijillion years old!"

Harry laughed and looked down at the little boy with the mousy brown hair and suspenders, "You know Lou, I think your mum is looking for you."



Louis slipped off the bed and turned to Harry who was now standing too. Louis' breath caught at the white feathers sticking out from his back.


"Yeah, Lou Lou?"

"You've got wings like a bird!"

"Yes, love."

"Are you an angel Harry?" the boy asked, thinking back to the pictures he saw at church. Louis wasn't surprised Harry was an angel. Harry was nice and pretty like the angels he saw in the picture book his mummy showed him.

Harry smiled and walked over to the little boy and crouched in front of him, "Yes, Lou Lou, I'm an angel. I'm your angel. So whenever you're scared or lonely, you can always call me alright? Cause I'm going to be up there," Harry gestured to the sky, "Watching you to make sure you stay safe."

Louis nodded and turned. But before he left the room, he ran back to the crouched boy and hugged him. The boy gasped, surprised at the welcomed assault, and hugged the little boy back.

"Will I see you again Harry?"

"Of course, love."

"Thank you Harry for making sure I stay safe," Louis said, burying his little arms around Harry's neck.

"You're welcome sweetheart. Be a good boy, Lou Lou," Harry said. Louis nodded and ran out the door, Power Ranger in tow.

"I'll be waiting in the wings," Harry whispered, then disappeared through the window into the blue December sky.

Present Day

The mute pelting of snow on the icy streets of London made the city look like a frozen wonderland. Skeleton trees with frozen limbs and chiming icicles lined the sidewalks, and small shops and vacant cafes glowed with warmth, sheltering its inhabitants from the harsh English weather.

A sparse amount of busses and automobiles trickled down the glittery streets, and the sun laid hidden behind a blanket of thick, dark clouds. It was too cold to be out, and on days like this, most of London's residents preferred to stay home, relishing in the heat of the their thermostats and the shelter of their duvets.

Burn [Larry Stylinson AU]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें