Chapter 20

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April 26, 2020

I look up and see Lex and Jordan coming down stairs. "Where did you sleep?" I ask Lex. "Not with you" She mumbles. "I know that. Where did you sleep?" I ask again, seeing if she'll be honest and tell me. "None of your business" she mutters. I look at her and look down, extremely upset at whats Kio told me.


I wake up and stretch, noticing that Lex isn't beside me. I stand up and go to the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth. I walk downstairs and see Kio, Michael and Bryce eating breakfast. "Morning guys" I greet them. "Morning Vinnie" Bryce smiles as I sit down. "Well, might not be a good morning for you after what Kio has to tell you" Michael mumbles. I turn to look at Kio and he has an apologetic face. "What is it?" I question, getting anxious. "I was passing by Jordan's room and I saw him and Lex cuddling on the bed. She was on top of him. I don't think they did it but, still, I don't think that's something you do when you have a boyfriend" Kio breaks the news to me. I feel sad and upset and angry at both Jordan and Lex. How could she do that?

end of flashback

Madison walks downstairs, eyes Lex and sits, far away from her. I think everyone can sense the weird tension between the best friends. "Okay, you two alright?" Jack is the first to ask, looking at Lex and Mads. "I don't know. Ask Alexandra, maybe she can answer you" Madison says in an angry voice. "I'm okay with her. She has a problem with m-" "did you hook up with Jordan?" Madison questions and I almost choke on my food while the others look shocked. "What?" Lex asks, almost in disbelief. "I saw your clothes on the floor of his room and both of you sleeping together and he was shirtless. I can't believe you would do that to Vinnie" Madison says in disbelief. "What?" I look at Lex, tears filling my eyes. "I didn't hook up with Jordan" she argues. Tears stream down my face. I can't believe this. "Kio told me you slept with him. And why should I believe you when you didn't even tell me where you slept?" I ask her, my voice cracking along the way. She looks at me and stays quiet. I look down and stand up, walking upstairs, away from her. Away from Jordan. Away from all of them.

I lock the door of the room and stay there. Numb. Not even knowing what I'm feeling. There's a knock on the door. "May I?" I hear her voice. "You shouldn't" I answer. "Please Vinnie, can we talk?" She asks. "Not now" I respond. "Vinnie, please... let me explain" I debate whether I should open the door or not. "Vinnie? You still there" I stand up and unlock the door, opening it and letting her in.

She closes the door and sits down on the bed. "Look, I slept with Jordan but we didn't have sex. The clothes on the floor aren't mine. I just didn't tell you because I'm still upset about last night" She explains. I still don't believe it. "Vinnie... I would never cheat on you. Doesn't matter how upset I am, I would never hurt you that much. Right now, you might not believe it, but trust me, I didn't cheat" She whispers. So many thoughts running through my head, I can't do this right now. We stay in an uncomfortable silence. "You didn't do it?" I turn to look at her and she nods. "I believe you but, I'm going to need space" I tell her. I see tears streaming down her face. "Lexi?" She looks at me and I see and feel the pain and guilt she feels. "I'm sorry Vinnie" She says as tears stream down her face. "Lexi-" "I'm so sorry Vinnie. I swear I didn't sleep with him" I move closer to her, holding her face in my hands. "I know you didn't but I need to space to be able to think and make better decisions" I tell her. "But I love you" I'm taken slightly aback from what she just said. "What?" "I love you Vinnie so much. I would never ever think of hurting you" She whispers. I stay quiet because, I don't know what to say. "Please, say you love me back" she begs while tears keep streaming down her face.


while Vinnie and Lex are talking...

"Did you sleep with Lex?" I ask Jordan, not believe what Madison just said. "No, I didn't. She was on the rooftop last night and I went there and talked with her and also thanked her for saving me. She asked if she could sleep with me because she was still upset with Vinnie, so I let her. When I already arrived at the room, there was a grey shirt and pink shorts on the floor. I don't know who those are. I swear, we didn't have sex. I would never do that to Vinnie" Jordan explains. I have the gut feeling that something's wrong. And it's about the clothes. "Wait, those clothes aren't Lex's nor yours?" I question Jordan. He nods. "I got there and they were on the floor" He says. "Then who are those clothes?" Jack questions. I shrug. "Wait, can't we like, test the clothes for any signs? Like, maybe blood or perfume?" Madison asks quickly. "Babe, you are a genius" I smile at her. "Of course we can"

"I'll go upstairs to get it" Bryce says as he walks upstairs quickly and comes back with the clothes inside of a plastic bag. We rush to the small lab that we have and Jaden tests the clothes for any sign. "Guys, a drop of blood" He mentions. He does what he needs to do and finds out who's blood it is. "Ian Mitchell, 47" Jaden says the information that was on the computer.

"Who's Ian?" Bryce asked. "Matthew's father" Jaden answers. "Wait so that means, who ever clothes those are, have done something with Ian that got blood on their clothes and ran here. Who could it possibly be?" Tayler questions. "His daughter" we look at the door and there's a brunette standing there. "Hi, I'm Jessica Mitchell, Matthew's younger sister"


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