Start from the beginning

"Wow, do your friends frequent here often?" Yeonghwa asked, slowing in his steps to keep up with Yeona who had come to a stop.

"No..." She trailed off, frowning when Jugyeong turned around from her place in the alleyway and hastily made her way back to where she had exited only to stop when Suho walked back out, "At least one of them doesn't..." The duo watched as Jugyeong froze the second that Suho had made eye contact with her. Jugyeong opened her mouth like a fish out of water before turning on her heel and bolting back to the safety of the alleyway, her pace surprisingly fast for a girl who would hardly participate in their P. E. class.

"What is going on?" She asked out loud, her eyes following Suho who chased after the distraught girl.

"Your friends sure have interesting lives... First a fire at the building and now some... of whatever this is?" Yeonghwa said, his eyes narrowed as he watched the scene unfold in front of them.

"Yeah, it seems that way, doesn't it?" Yeona mused, a slight smile appearing on her face, "It's like we're watching a K-drama unfold... Oh god..."

Yeonghwa's eyes widened a bit at her tone of voice, glancing at her with a curious look, "What?"

"It really is a drama... That's Chorong and Han Seojun..." She muttered, her eyes focused on the duo before sliding over to the boy whose face was still full of confusion, "Oh, sorry. Han Seojun and Suho don't get along and they both seem to be fighting over Jugyeong. Chorong is just a teaser that follows Seojun around like a lost puppy. Either of them happen to see Jugyeong and Suho and it's game over for them."

"Why is it game over if he- Wait! He's looking at where they are!" He exclaimed, cutting off his own question.

Yeona looked back at the duo and there with his gaze down the alley was Chorong, pointing to where the two teens had run off to. Seojun turned his head for a moment, staring, before shrugging and continuing forward, dragging Chorong along with him.

Yeona sighed in relief, "If he had followed, it would've been... well..." She trailed off, not sure how to end the sentence.

Yeonghwa didn't seem to have any issue, "A shit show."

Yeona paused before nodding, "Yeah, a shit show. Okay, let's run over there before anyone else comes."

"Aye-aye, captain," Yeonghwa replied, grabbing her hand and tugging her along with him across the street and to their destination. Seojun was thankfully still walking away from the food place meaning he probably wouldn't see them slip into the place and decide to come and interrupt.

Just as they were about to enter, a large group exited and Yeonghwa let go of her hand. Yeona kept her gaze to the door, waiting for the last person to exit so they could enter, not paying attention to the people that were leaving.

That was until a familiar voice sounded, causing Yeona to freeze in her movement of grabbing the door handle, "Kim Yeona?"

Yeona internally cursed herself and her luck, praying that they would just make a snarky comment and leave her alone. She knew that was wishful thinking but nevertheless, her prayers were being spoken in her head over and over.

"Kim Yeona?" Another voice was heard, causing her gaze to snap to that of Lee Sungyong who was eyeing her like he had just stumbled upon a prize.

Park Semi scoffed out a laugh, "First Dumpling and now you? Who's next?" She raised a brow, her smirk growing ever so slightly. Her gaze slid from Yeona to the boy who stood behind her, a look of confusion mixed concern on his face, "Hello there," She said in a taunting tone, raising her hand and waving prissily.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈 - han seojunWhere stories live. Discover now