Upon reaching the port, I concentrated, and my ship began to glow a pale blue, then it explodes into hundreds of blue cubes and then the radar structure, my Otomat, Exocet missile launchers and my anti-aircraft missile launchers are anchored on my back. Loaded with 8 ESSM missiles, my two CIWS Breda Dardo turrets, my 152mm cannons and the chimney, the depth charge launchers are housed in my legs.

Grau: Let's try this mode.

I contacted the base to request a training authorization, after receiving the authorization I decided to do some naval maneuvers and fire my CIWS weapons and my main cannon, after 2 hours of practice, I returned to anchor my ship and went to the baths to take another bath, then I went to the library to find out all about this world.

The next day.

POV Grau

I currently walk alongside Prince Of Wales and Cleveland.

PoW: What do you think of the Grau base?

Grau: It is very lively and lively, it does not seem that we are at war, are more ships going to come?

PoW: Yes, soon more Union and Royal ships will arrive, it will be more lively than usual, since many assets are being concentrated in this base, it will soon become the center of our operations.

Cleveland: By the way, guess who's coming from our side? She is the best warrior in the Eagle Union who has been awarded the most battle stars.

PoW: The famous Gray Ghost, huh?

Grade: Oh, Lucky E.

Cleveland: Do you know her?

Grau: Not in person, but I have heard from her combat records, just like here, there is also an Enterprise in my world, she was awarded 20 battle stars.

PoW: So in your world there is another Enterprise, Illustrious will arrive shortly.

Grau: You mean that aircraft carrier that is about to anchor?

I point to a specific place in the port.

PoW: Yes, it's her, if I remember correctly she said that she brought an additional guest.

Cleveland: Come on and let's not let them wait too long!

Cleveland encouraged us and then she grabs us by the hand and drags us to the dock where the aircraft carrier anchors, from the boarding gangway a beautiful lady with white hair and her white dress comes down, adding her white hat, behind her I noticed a girl with purple hair and hugs a stuffed animal in the shape of a unicorn.

PoW: Illustrious.

The woman looks in our direction, then keeps walking until she reaches our location.

Illustrious: Well, that the prince came to see me, it's an honor.

Her way of speaking is very refined and elegant.

PoW: Don't worry, it's my duty after all, it's been an Illustrious time.

Illustrious: Good morning, Prince of Wales, by the way. Who are they?

Grau: I am a light cruiser, my name is Almirante Grau, a pleasure to meet you.

Cleveland: I'm Cleveland, I'm from the Eagle Union, it's good to see you well after your long trip. Oh?

Cleveland she notices about the girl behind Illustrious and smiles at her, she reacts by hiding behind Illustrious.

Cleveland: (uncomfortable) This one?

Grau: Illustrious. That girl behind you is your little sister?

Illustrious: Oh, she is Unicorn, she is very shy, I hope you forgive her.

Azur Lane: A Veteran in Another WorldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora