Yes please, I'm at Bryant Park and bored out of my mind. Want to get coffee?

I blinked a few times in surprise and typed a reply: Yes!!!!!!!!
I deleted some exclamation marks because my inner teenage girl was showing again.

Awesome! I know this cute place in Williamsburg, I'll text you the directions.

The directions came a few minutes later also with the announcement that he was on his way and would be there in twenty minutes. I texted back that I would wait for him there. It would only take me ten minutes to get to Williamsburg, so I had a little time. Time I used to try on three different outfits and fix my hair countless times.
I reached the coffee bar only a minute earlier than Blaine.

"Hey you!" Blaine greeted me when I arrived. He flashed me a smile and we went inside together.

"Hi, I would like a medium drip." Blaine said to the barista, he winked and smiled at her, she blushed. I frowned a little, watching them. Every minute I spent with Blaine I somehow got more confused. Suddenly I realized Blaine was looking at me questioningly.

"Oh, a non-fat mocha for me please." I smiled politely at the girl behind the counter. "You're right, this place is cute." I said, and it was. It had that really nice rustic/grunge style of interior design. It was a very cozy atmosphere and not too busy.

"Right? I found this place by coincidence last week. It was raining and I needed to stay dry so I walked in here. And the coffee is really good." We sat down at a small table next to the window. "It's not exactly cheap, but it's all fairtrade, so it's worth it."

I took off the lid, so my coffee would cool a little faster. "Oh, that smells so good." I sighed happily. When I looked up, Blaine was looking at me and I quickly averted my eyes, but I didn't really know where to look, so I stared at my coffee. "So, what were you doing in Bryant Park?" I tried to make conversation.

"Sightseeing." Blaine said. "I actually went to the Public Library, but then I ended up in Bryant Park. Did you know you can ice skate there in winter?"

I shook my head. "I've actually never been there."

"It's not that impressive, really. But anywhere is better than my room at NYADA." He sighed.

I chuckled. "Did your neighbor break the walls yet?"

"No, but his friends walked in once. It was the middle of the night, I was asleep, they were drunk, and probably high, they opened the wrong door. I'm not proud to admit this, but I screamed and it wasn't a very manly sound." He took a sip of his coffee and smiled when I laughed. "Long story short, I lock my door at all times now." He chuckled.

"Oh dear." I grinned.

"Seriously though, if you know anyone who is looking for a roommate, let me know. I'm so done with that place."

"I will." I said and when I took a sip of my delicious coffee, I realized something. "Actually, my friend Sam could use a roommate." I said thoughtfully. "He does some modeling jobs, but it hasn't been getting a lot of them lately, he's starting to have trouble paying the rent every month. I was going to look for a new place, but maybe.."

"Seriously?!" Blaine asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, let me talk to him, see if he's open to the idea. He's a good guy, not the smartest, but actually funny sometimes. You met him, at lunch when we ran into each other like, a week ago."

"Oh! The blond, muscular one? Thank you so, so much Kurt!" He said, happy.

I was a little put off by the fact that he noticed Sam's muscles. Sam was attractive and now I had to admit I slightly regretted this decision. I scolded myself for thinking like that and told myself to get it together, Sam wasn't even gay. "No problem." I managed to say.

A Heart in New York (Klaine AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon