The Beginning of the End

Start from the beginning

The paramedics around him flew into action. One man on his phone, another pressing buttons on the machine, and a third, who he didn't even know was there, began to press down on her chest.

Adrien watched, bile rising to his throat. He caused this. He knew this was his fault, Plagg had warned him. Warned him so many times, there was no reason for him not to have listened to the wise kwami's words.

In a blink of an eye they were at the hospital, paramedics running around shouting words he didn't understand at each other. He was smart, he should be able to figure out what they were saying, but at the moment he was underwater again. His vision was blurred, his hearing muffled. Turning his head he watched them take Marinette out the ambulance and towards the double opening doors that led to the operating theatre within intensive care.

Adrien stepped off following, only to be guided in the opposite direction by an older lady in scrubs. She was gentle and kind, Adrien made a note to thank her at some point. After all, that's what you did wasn't it? Thank those who helped you through the worst days of your life.

He found himself in a small seating area, alone. The lights were classic fluorescence, each admitting a faint buzz as it lit up the room. The smell of cleaning products hit his nose, causing the bile to rise once more, burning his throat. He noticed sick bowls on the small table next to him, heaving into it and his stomach emptying. It happened again. Once, twice, three times before the sobbing took over.

Adrien was an emotional child which fed into his teenage years. He wasn't afraid to cry, he just didn't like doing it in front of people. Especially people who needed him to be strong, and she needed him. He had always been her strength, she relied on him daily and he would never let her down. But she wasn't here at the moment so he'd let the weakness take over him. Just for the moment, just whilst he could.

He rocked in his chair letting out every ounce of pain he'd felt since the day he lied about his soulmark. He'd hurt Kagami, he'd hurt Marinette, and in conjunction, he'd hurt himself. He felt something big on his back, hand shaped and he hit it off.

"I'm not leaving, you can't make me." A sob rattled him again and he grabbed the bowl ready for the next intense stomach action.

"Adrien, it's ok. We're not making you leave."

He recognised the voice. It was big, and, at the moment, brave considering everything happening around him.

"I can't leave. She's mine, I need her," he broke down again as he was pulled into a warm body, "I need her." He whispered again.

Tom Dupain was always an affectionate man, there was no doubt to Adrien that's whose arms he was currently in.

"They made me leave her, sir. I didn't want to, but they did." Adrien looked into Tom's bloodshot eyes. The big bear of a man was broken.

"I know," Tom began to rock him, "I know."

Adrien had no idea how long Tom held him for, it could have been seconds, minutes, maybe hours, but for once in his life Adrien felt secure and loved. He felt comforted.

"Adrien, sweetheart." A small hand with a cup of water was being held out to him. He looked up to who it belonged to and came face to face with Sabine. "Here, drink some of this."

Adrien laughed bitterly.

"I should be the one looking after you two, it's your daughter."

Sabine placed the cup next to him and bent down, stroking his blood covered hair.

"She's your soulmate."

Adrien looked up into her eyes. How did they know? Has someone told them?

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