Master George's Judgement

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He didn't. Apparently, he was trying his best to hide. But the rest of them nudged him. Finally, after a minute of angry hisses and protests, the tall, tanned and Hazel eyed Paul stood up. 'You have anything to say?' Master George asked, approaching him.

'Sir, a lot.' Paul replied, now that he was in trouble, he seemed to have brought forth all of his courage. Alexandra had to give him the credit, had she been caught at such a lowly crime, she'd been dying of shame. But Paul had as much courage to speak up. 'First thing being,' he said, 'I was not alone. All of it started when Watson called Mabel, Fannel's ladylove-'

'When in reality, I'm his sister.' She interrupted, through gritted teeth. Did they think what she had done was wrong? She hadn't done anything. If Fannel hadn't been there, she would have positively left Watson bedridden for a whole year.

'Whatever,' Paul dismissed. 'But when he did, Mabel was so angry she could have murdered him. We saw it, she called him a lot of bad things and-'

'I think I called him a stinking pig and a slime-ball, at most. Both of which he is,' She interrupted again. She knew worse words, choice rants she had tortured noble ladies' delicate ears with. But she wouldn't have spoken them with Fannel around.

All in all, Mark Fannel had saved her that day.

'Will you please stop interrupting me?!' Paul barked, impatiently.

'Will you please stop saying half the stories?!' Alexandra retorted, standing up. Master George raised his palm, gesturing her to stop.

'Continue, young man,' He said to Paul.

'Sir- that was when we all decided it was enough. Why do we have to put up with this girl? There has been no girl in the Council before! Why are we always compared to her, why do all of you always favor her? She doesn't have half our abilities.' One word after the other, as he continued, Alexandra felt her temper mount. She hadn't felt as disgusted before. What was her fault? Being born under the label of one gender? And then, Alexandra remembered not one single incident when she would have bothered them. She kept to herself, she didn't ask for help, or try to talk, or attempt to befriend. But apparently, the more she tried being good to them, the worse they behaved. And there was a limit to everything.

'You didn't think so when I was teaching you unarmed combat! Not when I was giving you tips. Then you were happy to learn from me!' She lashed. 'Didn't you think of your superior abilities then?'

'Enough, Mabel.' Master George said firmly. 'Sit - down.' And Alexandra did, she was angry, but she wouldn't risk evoking the Master's bad side for herself. It was just better to watch on - because something big was coming. Or many such things, maybe.

'If that is all you have got to say, Paul,' the teacher continued, 'then sadly, it isn't enough. I agree - Mabel, is a girl. And that there has been no history of female spies, not in Idgard, not beyond. But I have not brought her here. She is a patronized Agent. Her name has been vouched for. And her patron, is - the King of Vedessa. I didn't think it would be necessary to explicitly mention this, but I'm left with no choice. So, in case she qualifies, there are certain bindings on her: that she shall serve her patron before the council. On the other hand, in case any harm comes to her, that too - goes to the patron. Which means it is very fortunate for all of you that she is unscathed. Because if she wasn't,' he broke off, looking at them expressionlessly, 'you all, as well as I, would have a displeased emperor to face. And let me stress upon this for once and for all, our current monarch, is not somebody on whose wrong side you would want to be.'

That was a new fact for Alexandra too. So much so that it made her momentarily forget about the crime. Patronized Agent. It sounded nice. Maybe, it was nice. But Liam had said he didn't intend to help her, or do any favors. Did he know that he was helping - even without being present? 

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