"What Do You Think This Is, Some Kind of Movie?"

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Elsa's POV

I looked around quickly. No sign of anyone, immortal or mortal. The place seemed deserted. My head throbbed. Words swirled through my head. Kill. Save. Hurt. Heal. Darkness. Light. Darklings. Guardians. It was as if I had two different personalities which were fighting for the right to rule. I wondered if Jack was going through the same thing. I had to find him. I had to break his sword before it was too late.

I stepped into the next room. Someone was actually in this room. I readied my powers to fight, and suddenly the two personalities in my head joined up. Apparently they both agreed to fight whoever the person was.

"Elsa. What a pleasant surprise." Pitch said.

"Where's Jack?" I demanded. Pitch shrugged.

"Here, there, everywhere. He comes when I call. Otherwise I let him roam free." He said.

"Free him and Bunny. I'll give you anything." I said.

"There is nothing I want from you that is not already in my reach." Pitch pointed out.

"I could take their place." I offered.

"What do you think this is, some kind of movie? It is true that I would rather have you than them, but the darkness in you is already spreading. You can't stop it. Soon you will be mine. And there's nothing you can do about it." Pitch laughed. I looked at myself. It was true. Everything from my fingertips to my shoulder was gray.

"As soon as the darkness reaches your heart, you'll be under my control." Pitch said.

"No. I'll stop the darkness. I'll free Jack and Bunny. And I'll kill you!" I shouted, pointing at Pitch and releasing the energy. He waved a hand, and the frost solidified into a jagged black wave. He rolled into view and waved his hand, sending a beam of black energy at me.

MOVE! My mind screamed.

Stay. He wouldn't dare kill you, the other part of my brain said. Unfortunately, the latter won. I was stuck, unable to move as the black energy hit me. I felt a wave of painful cold wash over me, and then darkness.

Jack's POV

Everything was cold. I hardly ever had control of my sight, but when I did everything seemed black and white and gray. I hardly ever had control of my actions either. There was only one time when I had been nearly back to normal, color vision and all. It was when I had gone to find Elsa. How I missed her. I didn't remember exactly what happened after I got shot by the arrow, but I was worried about her. I decided it was time to pay her a visit.

Find Elsa, I suggested. I could feel the curse thinking over my suggestion.

Kill her, it agreed.

No, capture her, I said. Bring her to Pitch.

Capture Elsa, it decided. I pushed with my will until I could see through my eyes. I had gotten better at giving my curse suggestions. Now I could usually get it to do what I wanted. As long as it wasn't good.

Right now I was in the woods. But a moment later, I teleported. When I could see again, I saw that I was now inside the darklings hideout. Pitch was nearby, standing over someone. There was black sand and ice everywhere, evidence of a battle. I started to panic and lose control of my vision, but I pulled myself back together.

The person on the ground stood up. It was Elsa. She had pale skin and white hair. Whatever color her clothes used to have was now black and white.

Idiot! You only see black and white! I told myself. I had to be careful though. The more I controlled myself, the more I looked normal. I pushed with as much will as I could, trying not to make noise. The curse started putting up a fight, and I felt like when you touch something so hot that it feels cold. Except imagine that all over your body, on top of a huge brain freeze. That's how it feels to try to retake control of yourself. Saying it hurts is an understatement. It kills.

I managed to be able to take control of my eyes. But unfortunately Elsa didn't regain her color. She stayed black and white.

"Perfect. Let's see how the guardians like this little surprise!" Pitch laughed. I let the curse take over again. I didn't even have the energy to be able to see.

Elsa had become dark. Had she tried to take Pitch on her own? Why would she do that? To get the sword... my sword. I had to save Elsa and Bunny. I would have to destroy the sword.

But I would never be able to do that. That is exactly what the curse doesn't want to happen. I would have to get someone else to break it for me. But who? No one believed that I was good other than Elsa. No one.

So I had two options. Find the guardians and get them to break the sword, or find a way to break the sword myself. And I had a feeling that the second one was going to be more painful. So guardians it was. I used my will again to peek out of my eyes.

"Go kill the guardians." Pitch commanded. Shoot. Things just got a whole lot more complicated.


Did you guys like the Jack point of view? I hope you did. And thanks for all of the reads!

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