chapter eight

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and so came the dreaded ball.

unfortunately, time had seemed to be passing even faster than usual, which meant that my last days of happiness were passing quicker than i wanted them to.

honestly, i didn't really do anything that interesting, which is a shame since i expected to go out in a blaze of glory. but my past week had been anything but glorious.

i basically just went did my father's bidding. which was quite the opposite of what i wanted to have been doing.

and in this moment, it really hit me. the fact that i'll never be able to live freely again. i'll be glued to my husband that i'm sure won't treat me any different from my father. locked away, just another pretty face. i'll be condemned to a life of modelling and acting, as if i was in a play. only, i'm the side character with no development.

my heart beat rapidly inside of my chest, contemplating my options here. well, i had none. the only escape plan was sunwoo and i'm sure that he won't be able to get us out of here before the wedding. all i can do now is hope that kevin chooses me someone semi-decent to spend the rest of eternity with.

i felt powerless. as if i was trying to run away from time, which i essentially was. but time is relentless, and waits for nobody. so did my father, apparently.

i stood in shame as the multiple servants dolled me up for my doomsday. it was almost as if they knew how i felt, because the amount of makeup used seemed like it was trying to cover up my sadness and not my pores.

"there we go," one of them smiled, "how beautiful!"

the others agreed in awe, seemingly flabbergasted by my 'beauty.' but, honestly, it felt like i was wearing a clown suit, getting ready to amuse others.

though i felt ridiculous, i had to admit, the dress was exquisite. i had jiwon design it for me, and i've never felt as glamorous as i do now. the dress was had a lava blue skirt and a torso of the same colour, however it was decorated with silver glitters that made it seem like i was a glowing star. the soft material of the butterfly sleeves draped over my shoulders, giving them a softer, more ladylike look.

i really did look like a princess.

"thank you." i said, grateful. even though i didn't want this event to happen, i was thankful, nonetheless, to the many servants and workers who put in large efforts in preparation.

sucking in a deep breath, i exited the room, making my way into the vast ballroom wherein the ball was going to be held.

elegant, crimson banners adorned the dark mahogany walls, giving them a sort of regal look, fit for a royal. in the centre of the wooden floor, stood a large table, not yet filled but would later hold a great feast, fit only for the upper classes.

looking around, i searched for sunwoo. last i heard of him was before my makeover, and that was a couple of hours ago. he could have wandered off anywhere by now.

"looking for me?" a voice sang from behind me.

"indeed i was," i addressed, staring into the dewy brown eyes of sunwoo before whispering in his ear, "when do you think we can escape?"

"i don't have the information i need yet," he started, "it'll be soon, i promise."

"you better not break that promise, or else i'll break your neck." i threatened, menacingly.

well, the fluffy dress didn't help, so i don't think he really took any offence at all from my comment, but he made sure to pretend to be scared at least.

the ball would start in about ten minutes, and sunwoo didn't have to guard me in such a public setting, so i was left alone with the tingling anxiety that consumed my mind and body as the excruciating task of waiting for time to pass slowly numbed my brain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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