chapter one

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i slowly got out of bed, wiping my tears. taking a deep breath, i walked over to my closet and picked out an outfit for today. nothing important, so i decided just to go for a sweet, light yellow frock.

grabbing my bag (and my little confidence) i strode out of my bedroom door to meet my family for breakfast.

when i arrived, they were all present. my mother, father and brother. all of which were looking at me expectantly.

realizing i may have messed up the time, i lowered my head in shame and whispered an apology before sitting in my designated seat next to my brother.

"let us begin." father announced, and so we did.

the meal was alright, just the same as it always is. little to no conversation was struck at the table, it never is. and when it does occur, i'm usually excluded because i'm, "not supposed to engage in things like this." so, i just keep quiet to avoid getting scolded.

after the meal finished, mother and father rushed away, like they always do, but my brother remained.

"morning, minseo." 

"morning hyungseo."

"so, what schedules do you have today?"

"well, im not sure. i havent gotten them from the maids yet." 

"oh. ive got mine."

"anything notable?"

"not really, just more king-to-be stuff." he responded jokingly.

ah yes, king duties. if you didnt know, my brother, the prince, is the heir to the throne of sangseom, and i, the princess, um...

im not really sure what i am. my brother will inherit the throne and no plans have been set out for my life so far.

i just exist.

'do this minseo, do that minseo ! thats not how a lady should act minseo. just be quiet, its not your place to speak.'

these are the words i hear, every day.

although i love my brother, i cant help but feel jealous of him sometimes. he just seems to be so much more valued than me. like he's the special prize and im just ... ordinary.

honestly, i really couldnt ask for a better brother. he loves me, he cares for me and always makes time for me despite his busy schedule. he puts so much effort into entertaining me i find it unbelievable sometimes.

does he really care that much? and if so, why cant our parents provide the same love he does?

due to close relations with overseas kingdoms, particularly canadian regions, we made each other foreign names. mine being evelyn and his being kevin. though nobody really calls us by those names, we use them on each other.

in addition, we even started learning english together! he's a lot better than me so he tutors me when he has the time.

"hey eve? you seem to have spaced out there."
"oh did i? sorry kev ..." i responded still in a haze.
"thats okay. but ive got to head off now, see you later!"
"yep, see ya later."

being the only one left in the dining hall, i exited and headed to find chaerin, one of our maids.

chaerin is like a mother to me and kevin honestly. with our mother being a queen and all, she didnt really have time to look after us, so she hired chaerin to do it for her.

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