chapter three

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waking up the next day was a hassle. me and kev ended up getting home from our adventure pretty late, so the regular wake-up time limited my hours of sleep.

knowing i had to get up, i dragged myself painfully out of bed, threw on a gown and headed to the breakfast hall, thankfully, not late this time.

breakfast was all the same, apart from one thing. father said i was excused from all schedules today because he wanted me to 'take this day to reflect' so i could 'regain my composure.'

nevertheless, i was glad.

i got back to my room and found sunwoo outside of it as usual. he seemed to not want to be in my room for some reason. he always stood outside and escorted me when i was out.

ignoring his slightly ominous presence outside my door, i changed into the outfit i got from jiwon's shop yesterday. i really, really loved her designs.

looking in the mirror, i felt good. i felt confident.

wanting to hold on to this rare boost of serotonin, i pranced to the kitchen, brewing myself a cup of earl grey tea and refusing any sort of help form the maid. yes, i know, its their job to assist me, but i am 100% sure i can brew a cup of tea without help.

and that i did.

gripping my teacup proudly, i strolled to the courtyard and sat at a table, looking at the greenery.

thousands of colours came into view, each one reflecting into my eyes with its own glorious radiance. assortments of vibrant flowers filled the scenery and tainted the air with their own unique fragrance. none of them clashing, but mixing into one scent.

i felt content for once, like i had no worries to weigh me down, which of course, was false, however i tried to savour the feeling while i could.

"boo." someone whispered in my ears. knowing who it was, i turned around and gripped the attacker into a deadly headlock. well, maybe not deadly, but restricting enough that the victim felt the need to scream in pain.

"aAh sTOP IT EVE." kevin bellowed. yes, it was kevin.

are we even surprised anymore?

i mean, who else would pull something like this.

laughing at him, i let him go.

"what was that for?" he questioned while patting his now ruffled locks, making a strange sort of hand gesture.

"next time, don't scare me like that." i answered, dodging his question.

"so what do you have planned today?"

"nothing much. no schedules because dad thinks i need to cool down."

he nodded, "ive just got training so maybe we can do something later?"

"sure." i responded before sipping my tea.

"great. see you later." he responded as he started to walk away.

i remained, my tea almost finished.

taking one last sip, i stood up but was met with the stone cold eyes of my father.

"what are you wearing?" he asked, coolly. somehow calm yet visibly angry. this doesn't seem good.

"i like it."

"that wasn't the question." he stated, "a getup like that isn't fit for someone of your social class. change."

'"no." um what did i just say-

"i will wear what i want. just because you're my dad, that doesn't mean you can take away my human rights."


"don't talk back to your father, young lady."

"you're barely my father."

am i okay at this point.

and boom. i left.

i could hear my dad's anguished screams as i ran away from the palace and away from everything bothering me.

seeing a forest area, i headed straight for it, intending to find a log i could sit on or something. but of course, my bad stamina caught up with me and i was forced to stop running and take a breather.

i expected the sound of crunching leaves to stop when i stopped walking, but they continued. that meant that someone else was here with me.

feeling a rush of adrenaline, i hid behind a nearby tree.

its getting closer. i hear it.

"hey? minseo? are you there?" a voice called.

oh wait, it's sunwoo.

of course he followed me. he's legit my bodyguard.

"i'm here." i called, grabbing his attention.

a look of relief flushed his face.

"i'm glad you're okay."

after a moment of silence, he declared, "follow me."

he guided me through the forest area until we came to a clearing of trees, and at the centre of that clearing, sat a waterfall.

i stared at it in awe. i had never seen something so raw and natural yet beautiful.

"i thought you may like it here. i used to come here all the time with my family when we were in this area."

thanking him, we sat together and started at the flashing display of rapid water together. each minding our own business, yet still fully aware of the other's presence.

i finally spoke, "you know. it seems nice to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth, but trust me, there are other things that come with it. like this, for example, not being able to dress the way i want? not being able to speak freely? not being able to have fun? whats the point of having all of this money if i can't even use it? and plus, my family treat me like a doll that they can control. its like ive got to do everything they say and if i don't something bad is going to happen. they expect me to sit there and do what they tell me."

"this is a secret, so don't tell anyone, but kev- i mean hyungseo, took me to the city yesterday. and i met someone wonderful. her name was jiwon and i so desperately wanted to be her friend. i just wanted to have a real friend besides my brother for once. is that too much to ask for?"

"no, not at all," he nodded, "im sorry you have to go through that."

"is there anything i can do to help you?"

after pondering for a while, i slowly nodded my head.

"sing for me? chaerin, our maid, well more like mother, used to sing me to sleep everyday as a child. shes' got a wonderful voice."

"um, i'm not really a singer so don't blame me if its bad."

"i won't. just your effort is enough."

he sucked in a short breath before singing in english,

"you'll always be my day 1.

day 0 when i was no one

im nothing by myself

you and no one else

thankful you're my day 1."

thank you kim sunwoo, for showing me how it feels to be normal.


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