chapter two

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it was time for me to meet my new bodyguard and since the tea incident, i had freshened up and changed for the third time today, this time into something more casual.

it was a simple red satin top and black suit pants, which i knew i would be admonished for by my parents, but by this time, i was past caring.

the only thing on my mind was getting through this so i could spend time with kevin later.

i entered the hall and was greeted by my father and a young-looking man, who i assumed to be my bodyguard.

his eyes were dark brown. not a suffocating brown, but one that was cozy and comfortable. he had unnaturally dark hair and i assumed he had used some sort of dye to modify the colour. but the thing that caught my attention the most was his lips. his full, thick, peach lips. i almost wanted to pull him close so i could inspect them.

"thats an interesting choice of clothing, minseo." my father added with a hint of salt in his tone.

"it's comfortable, dad." i responded firmly, emphasizing each word.

ignoring me, he changed the subject, "this is kim sunwoo. he will be your bodyguard."

sunwoo bowed and i observed him.

he was interesting.

"i will try my best to protect you as well as i can." sunwoo announced.

smiling my father asked, "would you like to tour him around, minseo?"

knowing that this wasnt a request, but rather an imperative command, i responded, "of course, follow me."

and so he did.

for the most part of the tour, it was just me talking while sunwoo listened. not much dialogue was exchanged.

having enough of the silence i pondered, "do you not have anything to say, sunwoo?"

"ah yes i do. but i am under strict orders not to say anything to you."

sighing, i told him to talk to me.

"are you sure? i dont want to break any rules..."

"YES." i may have said that too fast.

"o-okay." he responded stuttering.

she waited in silence, her mind bending, trying to figure out the boy's course of thought. until he finally spoke up, "i like your outfit."

"oh, thanks. i was wearing a fancy gown before but that kinda got drenched in tea." i chuckled, making a joke of the situation earlier.

"oh? were you okay?"

"yes i was gladly." i said to fill the silence.

after engaging in some subtle conversation, i gathered that he actually was pretty nice. nicer than i thought he would be. we didn't really talk about anything important, but i learned that he lived in one of the villages on the outskirts of the kingdom and got this job for the money as his family was struggling financially.

"must be nice," he started, "being a princess and all."

yeah...nice. it was supposed to be nice. but things arent always as they seem.

"yeah. it is." i answered simply. what else was i supposed to say? i couldn't just expose the sexism and cruelty of our entire dynasty. i mean, i could. but i didnt.

checking the time in order to change the subject, i realized it was time for me to meet my brother in the courtyard.

"wait sorry I've got to meet my brother. see you later!" i spoke, intending for him to remain. but he did not, this guy intended on following me.

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