You lowered your face so he could rest his head to the grassy ground, not breaking the searing kiss. His lips were soft and your legs grew weak from the feeling but Stu's hands kept you secured on top of him.

Out of breath, you pulled away.

"Damn, (Y/N)..." Stu blew out, staring at you with as much love as he possibly could. He'd been wanting to do that ever since he met you.

The kiss made you lightheaded and knocked the wind out of you, but you didn't regret anything. You were slowly coming to terms with that you really, really liked Stu Macher.

Before you knew it, you took initiative and swooped in for another kiss, your lips burning as you did so. Stu didn't hesitate to kiss you back just as hard.

"Get a fucking room or something."

You startled, accidentally biting onto Stu's lower lip and quickly pulled away.

"Auw!" He hissed, wiping and massaging his mouth with the back of his hand.

You gave him an apologetic look. "Stu! Oh... I'm sorry!"

He just smiled at you with twinkling eyes, giving him a charming look.

Then he turned to look at Billy who was standing there with a blank expression plastered on his face and hands stuffed in the pockets of his trousers.

"Billy... Can't ya come back later? We were busy getting it on–"

"Does it look like I care?"

You snorted, attempting to pull yourself off of his lap to sit back down beside him. Your heart was still beating rapidly and you were pretty sure your lips were swollen but least they weren't bleeding like Stu's.

Billy lounged himself down near the lake as well, propping his elbow up on his knee. Those same chestnut irises entrapped your own for a few seconds. You forced yourself to avert your gaze away from him.

He noticed the troubled expression forming on your face.

"I'm not gonna tell Tatum if that's what you're worried about."

"Who even cares?" Stu leaned back on his elbows, enjoying the sun that was warming his body. "She's ain't my chick anymore."

"But she's still my friend," you said, already feeling guilty about what you'd just done.

The two teens shared a look before glancing at you again.

"Is she?" Billy asked seriously. "Doesn't seem that way to me. What do you think, Stu?"

"Billy's right," the athlete agreed, holding a flicker of mischief in his eyes. "I think that bitch doesn't deserve a great friend like you."

They clearly were waiting for you to say something back. The idea of agreeing with them felt wrong. You liked your friends, you really did, but Tatum was a friend too, wasn't she?

So then why did you feel doubt welling up in your heart? You still hadn't asked her about her and Ryan.

Ryan. Oh god.

Your face paled. Billy got up to walk over to where you and Stu were and placed himself down to your left so each of them was at your side.

"What are you thinkin' about?"

"Yeah, you can tell us."

You were starting to feel claustrophobic between them suddenly. Like something was gnawing at your throat, making it harder and harder to properly breathe.

You needed to get back home and fast. The darkness in Billy's eyes coupled with the crazed expression of Stu made you panic. Made you see things you normally wouldn't catch up on.

You rose to your feet as calmly as you could.

Don't let them suspect anything.

"I forgot my mom asked me to do something," you lied through your teeth, hoping it was convincing enough. But these two weren't stupid, they wouldn't let you go that easily.

"Do what?" Billy questioned. You couldn't read his face and that was disturbing, not being able to get an idea of what he was thinking.

Stu moved himself so he was sitting half up, resting his chin on top of his hand. His lips split further. "You said you were free today."

Your heart fell to the ground as you did your best not to stutter. You were growing more and more rigid with each passing second, a sense of dread taking full hold of you, almost paralyzing you.

Your eyes bounced from Stu's face to the other boy's. "Look... I just have to go."

A giveaway. Without saying anything else, you walked back to where you came from, forcing yourself not to break out in a sprint.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Something felt so terribly wrong but you couldn't put your finger on it. One more glance over your shoulder showed that neither Billy or Stu had moved from their respective spots.

Without giving it any more thought, you started to run back at a speed you didn't know you had in you, pressing forwards.

Every once in a while you peered back but no one was following you. By the time you arrived at your house, the muscles in your legs cramped up and your pulse drummed as far as your temples.

No one else was home so you locked all the doors and went upstairs, into your bedroom and collapsed onto your bed. You reached for a pillow and buried your face in shame.

You lost track of time as you cried and cried, listening to the crickets singing over the whisper of the evening breeze coming through your window.

What the hell was wrong with you? Why did you just abandon your friends like that? They didn't even do anything and still you just ditched them like that. What came over you?

You watched the shadows cast by the fickering candle on your desk and rolled over onto your back, staring at the ceiling like you've done so many times before.

No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't push their faces out of your head.

And that kiss. Oh god. Just thinking about it made you tear up again. Stu was going to hate you, wasn't he?

It was after two more hours of being completely alone with your thoughts that you came to a terrifying conclusion.

You loved them.

You loved both boys way more than you could have imagined.

Scream 1 [✓] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora