Chapter 6

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"And that's what happened," you finished your explanation, blowing a heavy breath through your nose as you tried to gather your thoughts.

Being mid-September, the temperature started to decrease significantly. The air was cool and the sky gray-white and sunless but there were still days that reminded you of summer.

The brown haired male's eyes calmly surveyed your face as you leaned back against the base of the stone fountain, sitting on the ground with one leg crossed over the other.

Billy was on your right, hunched over and leaning his elbows on his knees with his fingers combing through his messy locks of hair, pushing them up off his forehead.

It was just you and him now since you two shared Biology and the teacher had called in sick, so you had a free period.

"If that cunt comes near you again he's dead," Billy growled. He tried to keep his voice calm, but the ferocity that clawed at the inner walls of his body was threatening to spill out of him at any given moment, like a flash flood nobody would have time to prepare for.

You felt slightly intimidated by the seriousness in his statement and the malevolent glint to his eyes.

You understood Billy didn't mean it literally but after you saw him almost knock out that one guy before with just one punch, you had no doubt he could send Ryan straight into the hospital if he was pissed off enough.

"Did you tell the girls about it?" He asked impassively, linking his hands while looking at you.

You kept your orbs trained on the bracelet you were toying with that glittered in the sunlight. Your mom had gifted it to you for your birthday last year.

You smiled fondly at the memory. "I didn't."

Billy clicked his tongue and nodded thoughtfully, gazing at his hands but saying nothing in response.

For a while you both just sit there in comfortable silence.

Two teens, you assumed freshmen, burst out the entrance doors in two identical Ghostface suits, hollering and throwing their arms up in the air.

You peeled your eyes away from them in disgust. How anyone could idolize a serial killer was beyond your understanding.

With the presumed murderer behind bars, life in school was slowly returning to what it once was, kind of. But the cops were still around to search for clues and Dewey never was far away in his patrol car.

"I can't just not worry anymore," you admitted, picking up and throwing a small pebble across the stones that rolled away. "He called me from prison, Billy... He threatened me. I don't know what to do."

You weren't paying attention to Billy who'd lowered himself to sit on the ground next to you until his thumb and index finger gently grasped your chin.

"Look at me," his timbre was velvety and he tilted your chin upwards so his face caught your line of vision. "That pencil-dick won't get near you again, count on it."

Billy's longing eyes drifted down to your lips. There was an indescribable feeling in your stomach that robbed you from the ability to say something back.

You felt so secure around him and Stu. They protected you without ever asking anything in return.

Billy's rougher hand moved to the side of your face where he started twirling some of your (H/C) hair around his finger. He drew his lower lip between his teeth and wanted to speak, before your ears caught the sound of a throat clearing.

Startled, you jerked away from his hand to look up at the newcomer.

"(Y/N), Loomis," came the voice of none other than your favourite horror nerd. Randy lifted his hand and twinkles his fingers in a small wave.

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