Chapter 23

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Author's Note: Sorry I've been MIA for the past week or so. I've been experiencing a lot of emotions from my 9-5 job, pondering about my purpose in life and such haha... Thank you for your patience and support! Hope you enjoy:)

It was already Friday. Although Draco was apprehensive about the ominous meeting that was to take place at the Manor today, he wasn't as nervous or anxious as he had thought he would be.

Contrary to his worry that the special moment that he had with Hermione would be tarnished by the less than friendly letter that had arrived, Draco found himself not caring much about the threat or what awaited him today.

He realized that in the years since his parting with his parents, he had truly freed himself from their influence over his thoughts and feelings.

Besides, nothing could cloud his excitement from his newly developed relationship with Hermione.

At 5:59 pm, Draco left for Malfoy Manor.

When he arrived at the floo room, Draco looked around pensively. Just as he was about to make his way into the dining room, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy made their appearance.

Narcissa looked on the verge of tears. Lucius remained stiff.

Narcissa broke the silence.

"Draco, it's good to see you."

"You as well." Draco said. He realized that he actually meant it.

Lucius cleared his throat and began,

"I'm glad you decided to come, Draco."

Draco bit back a retort. It wasn't as if he had been given much of a choice.

Instead, he politely nodded and asked,

"Why am I here, may I ask?"

Narcissa interrupted before Lucius could reply.

"Dear, why don't we have dinner first?"

Although Draco wanted to cut to the chase, he conceded.

After a strained and quiet meal, they all headed to the library.

When they were seated, Draco started.

"Get on with what you needed me here for, would you? I understood that there was an urgent matter to be discussed?"

Lucius dolefully watched his son.

"Draco, in truth, your mother and I... We've been having a difficult time since we parted ways with you last. We are sorry for how callous we were."

Narcissa added,

"Draco, it's been miserable for both of us, not having you in our lives. You are our only child. We've missed you terribly and are sorry."

Draco was slightly stunned. He didn't expect an apology coming here.

"We hope to be a part of your life, and you ours, once again." Narcissa concluded.

Although their apology, albeit belated, wasn't unappreciated, Draco knew that this issue was bigger than himself now. He had Penny to think and take care of. Down the line, Hermione as well.

"Aren't you only trying to make amends because you lost your heir? If you had another heir, I'm not sure you would have missed me like you say you did."

At his bluntness, both Lucius and Narcissa were momentarily frozen.

"No, Draco. In the last few years, we had come to terms with the fact that we would likely not have an heir to succeed the line. That was not even close to the pain that your loss had brought on. We promise to not interfere in you making your own decisions, Draco. Please, give us another chance."

Draco contemplated Narcissa's words. He shot back,

"How do you feel about muggles now? How would you react if I decided to marry a muggle? What if I had a muggleborn child?"

Those hypothetical questions rung close to truth. 

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