Chapter 4

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Hermione knew that although her biological clock might be ticking, she didn't have much to be worried about. Unlike wizards and witches who married in their early to mid twenties, on average, muggles married much later on these days. Hermione, being a muggleborn, knew well enough of the technology one could use to help with matters in fertility and conception. Ever the planner, she had thoroughly researched all of her options to ensure that if she were to have kids much later on than in her twenties, she would have a plan that could help set herself up for success. Last year, celebrating her 25th birthday, she had secretly booked an appointment at a private clinic to freeze and store her eggs. She had chosen the clinic, as it was the only fertility clinic in the wizarding world that also actively incorporated muggle technology and medicine. 

Off to grab lunch in Diagon Alley, Hermione walked to her favorite new Italian place, Bellissimo. She had been craving the lasagna from the restaurant, which she had sampled two weeks ago with Ginny. It was absolutely divine, and she got excited just thinking about it. 

As she quickened her pace, she caught a sight of something silvery blonde in her periphery. Hermione knew only two people who had that exact hair color: Lucius and Draco Malfoy. Although she had heard and seen Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy in their public appearances for various restoration projects over the years, she had wondered why Draco Malfoy was always absent. Based on the character that she knew of at school, he was exactly the type of person to be present in the social scene, savoring publicity. It was really odd, now that she thought back through the years since the war, that she had never seen or heard much about Draco Malfoy at all. How curious. 


Hermione was not the only one that had noticed one's old school mate. Draco Malfoy, in preparation for his clandestine plans, had had to come out of his haven and brave Diagon Alley in bright daylight for the first time in years. Conscious of the stares that were directed his way, he swiftly breezed through the street, heading straight for Gringotts to exchange his galleons into pounds. 

As he fastened his pace, Draco's attention was caught by a certain curly brown hair, of which he would recognize anywhere and at anytime. It was Hermione Granger. He hadn't seen her since she had pardoned him at his trial and saved him from a life in Azkaban. Back then, he was a coward that could not thank, let alone, apologize, to someone that had shown much mercy when he did not deserve it. 

Unbeknownst to her, Hermione Granger had been one of the biggest catalysts that had started him on his personal journey of reflection. Although it had been years since he had seen her in person, she was often featured inside his head, questioning everything he had been taught as a child. He almost smiled and waved. Because of how she frequented his mind, it was almost as if he had become close to her, even though she probably still hated or thought nothing of him in reality. 

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