Chapter 8

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Author's Note: (June 22th, 2021) Hi everyone! This is Circe. I hope you are enjoying the story! I just wanted to update you all that I am actively writing the fic and posting almost daily. So don't forget to favorite this fic and be notified every time a new chapter comes up! I would love and welcome any and all feedback :) Enjoy!

Hermione sputtered. She couldn't believe what Healer Jonas was telling her at this moment.

"Healer Jonas. May I interrupt you for a second? Are you asking me if I would be willing to donate my eggs to a stranger?"

Healer Jonas, having expected her reaction, replied,

"Yes, Miss Granger. I know that it is an unusual and somewhat of a shocking question to ask you. However, I implore you to give this letter a read somewhere comfortable and alone, before you give me your final answer."

Hermione, although shocked, nodded imperceptibly. She headed to her cozy flat near Diagon Alley with one carefully sealed letter.


Hermione read the letter three times. During her first read, her interest was piqued. It wasn't exactly common to be asked this question and so Hermione was curious as to what the letter could possibly do to help with the outcome of her answer. During her second read, she dissected it. From her analysis, she had gathered some compelling factors about the mysterious man. Hermione did not want to admit it, but he seemed exactly like the type of person she would love to have as a significant other and as the father of her children.

He was intellectual, open-minded, embracing of diversity, active, and financially stable. Although many wizards and witches have been tolerant of muggles since the end of the war, it wasn't often she found a wizard that actually enjoyed reading muggle books. She herself had never encountered anyone that did. His openness about his emotions and the yearning to love and be loved deeply resonated with Hermione.

By the third read, Hermione was convinced. If anyone deserved to have a child, it would be someone like him. Although she remained uneasy about donating her eggs knowing that in ten months, her child may enter the world without her ever knowing about him or her, she did feel more inclined to help.

From what she had gathered at her earlier meeting with Healer Jonas, there will be a random draw from the selection of donated eggs. None of the women who choose to donate will know if their eggs are chosen. The identity of all parties involved will remain anonymous.

For the rest of the evening, Hermione couldn't focus on anything else. Her thoughts kept lingering back to the letter and eventually, she fell asleep uneasy and troubled. 

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