Chapter 18

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Since that day, an unlikely friendship between Draco and Hermione bloomed. Equally precious was her flourishing relationship with Penny.

Hermione became a surrogate mother of sorts, witnessing and contributing to most of Penny's milestones.

When Draco contemplated leaving his job because he had no support system to take care of Penny while he went back to work after almost two years of paternity leave, Hermione made it clear that he had a choice.

"Look, Draco. I've already worked out a system where you don't have to worry about Penny when you're at work."

"Hermione, I appreciate it. I really do. But I've seen the schedule and it requires you to take on a lot of your free time to take care of Penny. I can't do that to you. It wouldn't be fair."

Although Draco loved spending time with Hermione and Penny, he didn't want her to feel like she was burdened. She was the one person in his life besides his daughter that brought him immense joy and happiness. He would never take her for granted, and that included her time.

"I appreciate you more than anything, Hermione. You know that. But I won't take advantage of your generosity." Draco calmly stated.

Hermione would hear none of this.

"What do you mean, my generosity? You offend me when you say that! You know that Penny is as much my daughter as she is yours. She may not be mine in blood or legality, but I've raised her since she was six months old like she was my own. I don't intend to ever stop, because I consider her mine. So stop with this nonsense." Hermione was fuming.

At that, Draco couldn't help but quip back.

"No. We need to have this conversation sooner or later. What's going to happen when you meet someone and get married? How are you going to explain this arrangement? It's better to address this now and save ourselves from further heartbreak later on. I don't want to get my hopes up for it to crumble as a painful disappointment." Draco ended, vehemently.

Hermione, although taken aback that the conversation had veered this way, countered.

"No matter what happens, I intend to be Penny's mother. If you meet someone...I can be her godmother..."

Even speaking about relinquishing her role as mother to Penny was painful. What's more, she had the most awful feeling thinking about Draco with someone else.

"If I meet someone...Well, I wouldn't choose anyone that doesn't understand our situation." Hermione barely finished.

Draco did not miss Hermione's teary eyes. Regardless, he said in a harsh but wavering voice,

"I suppose you wouldn't mind leaving me behind though, would you?"

Hermione was lost for words. With a choke, Draco continued.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot wait around for the day you meet a bloke to move on from whatever we have going on right now. I really don't think I'd survive that."

That discussion was abruptly abandoned with both parties in tears.


Following the distressing altercation that he had with Hermione earlier that day, Draco looked out the skyline from the comfort of his flat, in deep thought.

Today, he had come close to confessing his love to Hermione. 

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