Chapter 21

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Her heart was beating out of her chest. Too many feelings were coursing through her vein but the most prominent of them all was euphoria.

Hermione was at a loss for words, but as she gazed into Draco's deep silver eyes, she tried her best to put into words what she felt.

"Draco...I..." she hesitated.

"I won't tell you that I am in love with you, because I want to be completely transparent."

Draco was crestfallen. He braced himself for the inevitable rejection coming his way and masked his devastation.

After a moment, Hermione continued.

"But...I really like you too. I like you more than anyone I've liked before. If you're okay with that, I think we can start from here? I already admire you, love you like my family, but I've not had time to think of us as romantically involved until recently. I won't be able to tell you that I am in love with you yet, but I think I will be able to as we explore what we have together. Hearing you tell me that you are in love with makes me so, so happy." Hermione concluded with a nervous and shy smile.

Draco was stunned. He was okay. More than okay with Hermione not being in love with him yet. All he heard was that Hermione liked him. Really, really liked him.

Inside, he was reeling with joy. He tried and failed in his attempt to contain himself. With the biggest smile and a hearty chuckle, he continued.

"I'm okay with that. Actually, I'm more than okay. I would love to explore what we have together. I didn't expect you to tell me that you are in love with me. Frankly, I hadn't planned on revealing that bit today at all either. Hermione Granger, I am honored that you want to share your time, your thoughts, and your presence with me as your significant other. You call the shots. I would be a happy man, as long as I get to be with you."

Hermione was beaming. This incredible person wanted to be exclusively hers. With a coy look, she stepped closer to him and slid her hands into his.

At her sudden proximity, Draco felt both euphoric and flustered.

Before he could get a word out, Hermione came even closer and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek.

He couldn't believe that a simple kiss on his cheek would bring him so much pleasure, but it did.

As Hermione was about to retreat, Draco pulled her into his arms.

Both of their hearts beating faster than ever, they stayed in the warm embrace for what felt like hours.

"Mama, mama!"

Their moment was interrupted by Penny.

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