Chapter 16

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"Granger." Draco whispered, careful not to wake Penny.

Slightly startled, but not taking her eyes off Penny, Hermione whispered back.

"Penny is wonderful. You've obviously done a marvelous job raising her."

Surprised to hear such a compliment coming from Granger, Draco flushed.

"I think that may be the best compliment I've ever received."

At that, both Hermione and Draco shared a laugh.

After a comfortable pause, Hermione remembered that Malfoy was her guest.

"Oh, you can sit here Malfoy. Would you like some tea?"

Surprised that Granger was hosting him, Draco replied politely.

"That would be great. I appreciate it."

As Draco got settled on the comfortable sofa with his cup of tea, Hermione looked at him for a short while.

Feeling her stare, Draco raised his eyebrow.

"It's just..." Hermione hesitated. Seeing that Draco wasn't being judgmental or throwing her scathing remarks, she started.

"I think you've changed Malfoy. Yes, there are some obvious things like living out of the wizarding world and in muggle London, having a daughter...But I feel there's more. You seem more open? Less guarded?... More yourself?"

Draco was surprised. He was surprised that Granger was perceptive enough to catch the changes within him in the short time he had reconnected with her.

For once, Draco wanted to share how much he had changed. He had never been able to find a true friend, a confidant, that he could share his thoughts with without the fear of being judged in his life.

"When Potter defeated Voldemort, all I had ever known crumbled down. All the relationships I had formed up until then were not based in love or camaraderie. They were based on fear and power. I realized by how quickly everyone left, that I was truly alone. The isolation was crippling but worse, I felt that I didn't even know who I was. Before then, I never took the time to explore what I liked or what I believed in. I was led and guided like a sheep. This went on for almost a year. But one day, I had an epiphany. I decided that I didn't have to be that anymore. I could get to know myself and become my own person. Any relationship I formed from then on, I would choose to build on love. So for the last couple of years, I read incessantly...about anything really...philosophy, romance, science fiction... I also found solace in the art of potion making."

Hermione felt compassion and admiration.

"You truly are a changed man, Draco Malfoy."

Hermione said with a gentle smile. 

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