Chapter 6

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Rin's p.o.v

When I came back to the castle I opened the door and the king and queen looked at me weird.

"Uh, hi?" I asked.

"So how are you and Kakashi getting along?" The queen asked a giant grin across her face.

"Uhm, pretty good." I said.

"Well that's good." She smiled and walked away.

"I-" I looked over at the king.

"I don't know what that was bout either." He shrugged and walked off after the queen.

I stood there for a second and then walked away. I walked up to Kakashi's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Kakashi called.

I opened the door and walked in. He was just laying on his bed. It didn't even look like he was breathing.

"Are you dead?" I asked.

"Yes. It was my ghost that told you that you could come in." Kakashi said.

"Oh- Well then I guess I'll just leave you and your ghost alone." I said smiling and walking towards him.

Kakashi picked his head up to look at me.

"The door is the other way unless you wanna leave through my window?".

Obito's p.o.v (yeah bet you didnt expect this huh?)

Yes I did tell envourage Rin. Also yes I did do that because I know the person she might have been talking about personally.

Right now I'm waiting for him to come to the usual meeting place. Usually I go to his house but he decided to meet me here today.

"Hey." I heard a voice.

"What happened to your face?" I asked.

"Rin attacked me." Kakashi said sitting next to me.

"Oof. That sucks." I said.

"This is why I hate you." Kakashi said.

"Why, thank you." I smiled.

I was looking at his face. He had a bruise by his left eyebrow amd a scrape on his cheek. He also had an open cut on his temple with blood starting to ruj down his face.

"What the heck did you say to make her attack you?" I asked.

So Kakashi told me the story of how she cane in the room and asked if she was dead and he responded sarcasticly with "yes it was my ghost that told you that you could come in" and she said thats he would just leave him and his ghost alone then.

He then told me how she started walking towards him. He had picked up his head and said "the door is that way, unless you wanna go out my window" and that is how he got beat.

"Omg are you serious?" I asked.

"No i'm lying to make the girl seem like a bad person." Kakashi said and rolled his eyes.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you did since Rin i just gonna be the same as every other time." I sighed.

I really wanted Kakashi to find someone he liked. It may not seem like it but i do actually really care. I thought Rin would be the one but now I'm not sure.

"I like Rin." Kakashi said.

"I knew i- wait what??" I looked at him surprised and happy.

"Only kind of and I don't know if I like her as a friend or as more than a friend yet." Kakashi said. "So don't get your hopes up."

"What are you talking about this is great!!" I exclaimed.

"What?" He asked looking over at me like I was crazy.

"Well if you like Rin, then tell her!" I said.

"I said I dont even know if its as more than a friend or not!" Kakashi defended. "I'm not going to tell her to get her hopes up and the crush then when I tell her I'm not interested."

"See! That's what I mean!" I sighed.

"What are you talking about Obito??" He groaned.

"Every other girl you would not have had a problem telling them and crushing their hopes! But with Rin you don't want to do that! That's how I know you like her as more than a friend." I argued.

He sat there silent. I know Kakashi like I know my own mind. You'll never find anyone as trusting or as kind. Well he's like that when you really get to know him or he really likes you.

"I... I don't know." Kakashi sighed. "She's cute and all. And she's nice except for when she's beating me."

I laughed a bit when he said that. He glared at me and continued.

"And she is sweet and caring. And knows how to properly work a med kit." Kakashi listed off some things he liked about her.

"You totally like her as more than a friend." I said.

"I don't even know. She's pretty and everything. And she has a great personality. But just because I can acknowledge those things doesn't mean I have a crush on her." Kakashi said glaring at me.

"Whatever." I sighed.

I knew he wasn't going to talk to me about this right now so there was no point trying to pry it out of him.

Kakashi will realise it eventually. And when he does I will totally be there to tell him I told you so.

Rin's p.o.v

I'm bored. I'm just laying on my bed. Kakashi went out awhile ago. Luna and Raven are out with their parents also.

Kakashi's parents offered to take me along but I said I didn't wanna go. They are going out to eat and I'm not hungry.

I sighed and sat up. I walked out of my room and into Kakashi's room. I mean he isn't here so...

I walked over and layed in his bed. For some reason I feel like his bed is softer. I know that it's probably just my mind playing tricks on me since they are pretty much the same bed.

I didn't plan on it but I guess I was more tired than I thought because I didn't even realize when there was someone walking down the hall.

I also did not relize it when someone opened the door. It was stupid of me, I know, like I should know my surroundings.

But I liked the voice I heard when they finally spoke. Like in a platonic way, not in any romantic way at all.

"You really like that bed huh?"



Also I'm really sorry that this didn't get posted earlier! I have been busy preparing for vacation the past few days so I haven't had time to finish this chapter.

I am finishing this chapter and posting it around 1 am so if there is spelling mistakes please tell me!

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Word count: 1134 words


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