Chapter 5

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Yuki's p.o.v

Rin. How dare she think that she can take Kakashi from me. Honestly I don't even know why Kakashi would say anything to her! He loved me and never even said anything about his past to me.

It's annoying, she's standing here trying to look like she's better than me. Well she will never be better than me.

"Congratulations. You'll never be better than me. You only wish you could be half as good as me." I said rolling my eyes.

"Um yeah I'm already better than you, since you know, I'm not a cheater." Rin said.

"Are you seriously still on about that?" I stood up and crossed my arms.

"Yes I am! Because it was wrong!" Rin yelled, glaring at me.

"Ok you wanna know why I did it?" I asked.

Kakashi's p.o.v

I walked down the village streets to Raven's girlfriend's house. Her name is Robin and she's super sweet. She has blond hair that goes a little bit above her waist and dark green eyes.

When I got to her house I knocked slowly. I stood there for a minutes before the door was opened by Robin's little sister.

"Hey Liz." I waved. "Is Robin home?"

"No, but she will be in a little but if you would like to come in." Liz smiled and moved to the side.

"Thanks." I said and stepped inside.

Liz was 13 years old and had shoulder length dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

"So is there a reason your here? Or just to visit or something?" Liz asked.

"Oh well I actually need to talk to Robin about Raven." I sighed.

"What about him?" Liz tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"It's a long story." I said.

"I have time." She smiled.

Raven's p.o.v

Kakashi organized my room for me last night and I don't remember where he said he put my computer charger. I walked down to Kakashi's room and knocked on the door. No reply.

That was weird. Kakashi was usually in his room since he doesn't like to go outside much. Well atleast he doesn't like to when the sun is out. Yeah, that's right, I've seen him sneak out of the house at night.

I knocked again. Still no reply. I carefully opened the door since he might be in the shower. I didn't hear any water running so I put my ear to the bathroom door. I didn't hear anything so I opened the door.

He wasn't in the bathroom. Obviously I'm in his room right now and he wasn't here. I thought maybe he was in Rin's room.

So I walked over to her room and knocked on the door. Again, no reply. I put my ear to the door and didn't hear anything. I opened the door and neither of the were in there.

Rin's bathroom door was open so I thought maybe atleast Rin was getting something from the bathroom. I walked over and looked in the bathroom. Neither of them were in there either.

I was started to get real confused because I couldn't find Rin or Kakashi. I walked out of Rin's room and down to Luna's room. I knocked on the door and she didn't answer.

I opened the door and she wasn't in her bedroom. Her bathroom door was also open so I went and checked in the bathroom but she wasn't in there either.

Now I was kinda panicking because I couldn't find anyone. I calmed down quickly and walked to the kitchen since Luna might be in there. I walked in the kitchen and there was Luna sitting on the counter eating strawberries.

"Luna." I called.

"Oh hey Raven." She smiled and went back to eating.

"Have you seen Kakashi?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh he came to my room a bit ago saying he was going out." Luna said.

"What? Did he say where he was going?" I asked.

"I think he said he's going to Robin's house." Luna sighed.

"What? Why would he be at Robin's house?" I asked.

Luna shrugged and then my phone rang. I rolled my eyes because it was probably a spam call. When I took my phone out of my pocket it was not a spam call but it was Robin.

"Hello?" I said, putting the phone to my ear.

"We need to talk."

Kakashi's p.o.v

I could hear rapid knocking on the door a few minutes after Robin told Raven to come to her house so they could talk. I recognized the knocks and knew the knocks came from Raven.

Robin got up and went over and opened the door. Raven opened his mouth to ask her something and the his eyes landed on me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Just sit." I sighed and rolled my eyes at how childish he sounded when he said that.

Raven came in and took a seat on the couch opposite from me. He looked around confused and have me a confused look mixed with a glare.

"Don't look at him like that. It's your own fault your here." Robin said sitting next to me.

"What?" He asked.

"So apparently you have been talking to other girls or flirting with them even though we are dating." Robin said.

"What? How did you- I- I just.." Raven stuttered trying to find something to say.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Robin asked.

"The girls.... were... hot?" Raven questioned carefully.

"I can't believe you. That's it, maybe we just shouldn't be together. Honestly I can't be with someone who is going to pretty much cheat on me." Robin said, her voice going shaky.

"Wait Robin! I can explain I really do love you! Please just listen to me, hear me out." Raven begged.

I sighed and I didn't hear the rest of the conversation because I left. All I do know is that after that day Raven was single.

I mean he seemed upset but it was his fault. Why would you flirt with someone when your in a relationship.

Yeah. Maybe I should have let Robin figure it out by herself but she wasn't ever going to figure it out. Plus I only told her as payback since Raven decides to openly flirt with Rin.

Hello people! If anyone gets the reference at the beginning of this author's note than I love you.

So someone wanted an update and here it is! So... I'm sorry it isn't very good, honestly I was going to put some more in there but I just couldn't figure anything oout.

I'm going through a but of writer's block so I'm not really sure ehat to write about.

Also because I am a multishipper and I can't get this idea out of my head I am starting another book. But don't worry I will still continue and update this book.

Anyway I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and had a great day or night! Bye!

•Word count: 1174 words


My Royal Lover Boy~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن