Cant leave em alone

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Taina - 16
Prince- 14

Taina: Prince just shutup alright?

Prince: chill . I was just saying

Taina: you basically called me a hoe

Prince: No I didn't. im tired of mom and dad's arguing . I'm moving with dad you know

Taina: your an asshole

Prince: shut up

Taina: Are you coming to my performance tomorrow?

Prince: Yeah . Mom is making me go but I was going anyways wouldn't miss it for the world

Taina: well I'm going to my room . I'm about to sneak out prince please have the door unlocked. I'll text when im on my way

Taina walked to her room and got dressed her parents room was on the right her and princes were on the left . She looked like she was about to go work the street . She was gonna get introuble did she care ? Hell No Hakeem and Tiana were having problems never really paid attention to their kids . Once Taina got out the house she got in the car and he pulled off fastly .

Christian: Damn baby you look good (biting his lip)

Taina: thanks babe. Well are we supposed to be going out to a club or something?

Christian: Yes

Taina: Okay

Christian drove to the club and they turnt up . They left around 2 am

With Takeem

Hakeem: So your telling me y'all aren't together?

Tiana: Nope. Just took me to dinner . I told you this already

Hakeem: mm

Tiana: Don't start not tonight

Hakeem: ok

Tiana: everytime you come over you ask me about him I tell you the truth you get angry . I'm a grown ass woman I can have guy friends

Hakeem: (chuckles) whatever man

Tiana: if your gonna have an attitude you can leave . I'm tired of arguing with your childish ass . Your the one who walked away . You did all of this ! You must of thought I was gonna chase you ? ! I stayed with you for our kids only because if they ever ask was it worth it I'd say hell yeah but you walked away , you did wrong not me you didn't even want to try to work it out . You left me and now that I'm finally doing my own damn thing your mad ? Kiss my ass Hakeem and get the hell out

Hakeem: I've already did that

Tiana: Your an asshole

Hakeem: I've been told

Tiana was standing in front of him with her undergarments on . Hakeem pulled her closer to him and started kissing on her stomach . Hakeem hasn't touched her that way in Months she was getting hot by his touch . Hakeem pulled Tiana onto of him and she smiled into his kiss. Tiana took off Hakeems shirt and it turned into a full on make out session. Hakeem moved from her lips to her neck and then with in seconds there clothes were off . It was just sex and lust nothing more nor nothing less. Prince was watching tv when he heard them going at it , they must have forgot they had kids or something because that's just plain nasty ! It was around 2 am Taina walked into the house hopefully thinking her dad was gone and her mom was asleep but nope . Hakeem and Tiana were sitting in the family room waiting for her . Prince ended up falling asleep when it hit 1:30 . Tiana went to check on prince and Taina but she wasn't in her room .

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