The trio took their time as they got dressed, in reality, Ciarren was trying his hardest to delay the inevitable. It became even more obvious as breakfast came to a close. Zareh and Jesper were gathering their things to leave when Cairren disappeared. They knew how much he wanted and didn't want to do this, but they thought they had come to an agreement.

"Ciarren, I don't want to have to go full dominant on you right now, but you will be punished if you continue to be difficult." The statement was loud enough to be heard throughout the house and as soon as it was finished, they both could hear the soft whimpers coming from the closet of the playroom. Jesper took a seat on the bed while Zareh moved to the closet with the intention of carrying Ciarren to the bed. However, the sight that met him upon opening the door put a pause on his plans.

Ciarren sat in the center of the walk-in closet on his knees with his butt resting on his heels. His chin was pressed against his chest, his hair blocking his face, and his turned palms up against his thighs. Zareh instantly kneeled in front of the trembling man. "What is going on, Kitten? I thought this was something you wanted to do. I need you to talk to me, baby."

"I'm scared, Daddy... I'm gonna have to tell them everything he did to me... and I want you both with me so you'll hear it and... what if you don't want me anymore after you know how broken I am... How used I am..." Ciarren's words were whispered and separated by deep breaths and soft sobs.

Zareh couldn't help his overwhelming need to protect Ciarren as he wrapped him up in a hug and carried him to the bed. "We will both still want you, sweetheart, nothing could make us see you any different. The only thing that might happen is us getting mad at the things that you had to go through, but that anger is in no way aimed at you. It's aimed at that despicable man that dares to call himself a dominant." Ciarren sat straddling Zareh, their chests pressed against each other. Jesper sat behind him with his arms around him as well. "After all of this is over we are not going anywhere except to San Francisco and you are coming with us. You are ours, sweetheart."

Zareh and Jesper could practically feel the sigh of relief from Ciarren. "Daddy... Sir... After the police station can I be fully submissive, like completely?"

"Like when you were going through the positions?" Ciarren blushed brightly as he remembered falling deeper into his submission with each position he went through.

"Yes sir... It's okay if I can't. I try not to let myself fall that deep and I have a pretty good handle on it." Ciarren kept his eyes on Zarehs chest as he fiddled with the hem.

"Ciarren, I need you to listen to me very carefully." Zareh lifted Ciarrens chin gently so they were eye to eye. "You don't need to have a handle on something like that. If you want to be completely submissive that's okay, especially if it will benefit you. As soon as we leave the police station, you can fall as deep as you want. Okay, Kitten? Is there anything you want to bring in the car for the ride back?"

Ciarren looked up excitedly, "Uhmm a fuzzy blanket and my ears? Oh! And can I put my tail in when we get back? And can we Milly come over and we cuddle like we did that one time?" Ciarren looked to Jesper hopefully as well. At this point, he was almost bouncing excitedly. He loved being able to fall into his submission completely and he trusted not only his dominants but also his best friends to take care of him.

"Of course. Jesper will take you to the car while I grab the items and send a message to Osiris. I'll be there in just a couple minutes." Ciarren hugged Zareh tightly, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek before climbing off his lap and tucking himself into Jesper's side. While the two made their way to the car, Zareh called Osiris while gathering the requested supplies.

"Hey man, what's up?" The greeting was immediate.

"I'm just gathering some things before we head to the police station to place statements. Ciarren has been having a difficult time this morning though with everything and has requested complete submission, he --" Zareh was cut off by a sharp gasp from Osiris.

"He asked you both. Really?" Osiris's tone was surprised.

"Yes...?" Zareh was confused by this reaction.

"Ciarren has always had a submissive personality. He struggles with a lot of anxiety and he found that allowing himself to immerse himself completely as a submissive helped greatly. Killian and I helped often, just giving him commands and making sure he took care of himself, but when he met... Matt... it stopped. I can't remember the last time he allowed himself to do it. He has to trust the person completely. It's similar to littles. It's hard for him to take care of himself when he's so far into the headspace." Knowing that Ciarren trusted them with something so special made his heart flutter. His feelings were growing immensely for him and he knew Jepsers were too, all he could hope is for Ciarren to feel for them as well.

"Wow... Well, he wants y'all to come over this afternoon. He really wants a cuddle session with Milly and Jesper." Zareh knew he was sporting a large smile. He had already gathered the blanket and ears and was making his way to the front door.

"They're all so adorable when they're curled up together." Zareh could hear the smile in his voice. "We'll be there by the time y'all get back."

"Awesome, we'll see you then." With that Zareh hung up and made it to the car, placing the bag in the empty passenger seat, as Jesper was sitting in the back with Ciarren pressed tightly against him.

They made it to the police station within 30 minutes and proceeded to spend the next three hours giving detailed statements. Ciarren's took the longest as there was a lot to recount. Jesper and Zareh struggled to keep their anger in knowing that it would only upset Ciarren and he was struggling as it was. The two stayed by his side the entire time, making sure that one of them was touching him at all times. They knew that Ciarren was strong, but they didn't realize just how much he went through. Jesper, especially, didn't know how Ciarren could trust them after everything, but he was so proud of him, they both were. By the end of everything, Ciarren's eyes were red and swollen, he was pale, shaky, and obviously tired. Zareh and Jesper could practically see him slip into the headspace as they stepped out of the station. His body lost all tension, his eyes lightened, gaze dropping to the floor, and he lightly gripped Zareh's index finger.

Zareh lightly stroked his cheek with his free hand and Jesper played with the fingers of the hand that wasn't holding Zareh, "Can you look at me, baby?" Ciarren looked up at Zareh from under his eyelashes. "There's our sweet submissive boy. I want you to get in the car with Jesper okay. Put on your ears and then curl up with the blanket and take a nap until we get home."

Ciarren smiled softly at Zareh as he nodded in response before turning to Jesper, "May I touch you, Sir?"

"Of course, Sweetheart." Ciarren lightly gripped Jesper's index finger before releasing Zareh. Jesper gently guides Ciarren into the car before climbing in after him. Ciarren instantly put his ears on and wrapped himself in the fuzzy blanket. Jesper wrapped an arm around Ciarren, allowing him to rest against him. They had just pulled away from the curb and he was already asleep. 


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