[1] School (Prison) - Humerus Bullies

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Abattoir POV

I woke up to this horrid day knowing that I have to go to school right now.

(Abattoir): *Sigh* Me and my friends are attending a different school. Me on the human school, which is name Ebott University, and my friends on the monster school, which is name Magick school. Very original name, despite having the wrong letter.

I got up, get dressed, and head out in this dumpster of a house. I won't be seeing my friends until I'm done with my school session.

As soon as I enter the school, these asshats showed up.

(Jackson): Well, well, would you look at that. That monster lover.

(Abattoir): *Sigh* For the last time, Jackson, I'm not a monster lover. They're just my friends. Can you stop bullying every five seconds?

(Jackson): Let me see... nah. Alright gang, let's shank him.

(Abattoir): Ah, shite, here we go again.

We're about to have a barfight, but a teacher stopped us before that escalated quickly. The bullies left me alone for a while, but Jackson said something to me.

(Jackson): This ain't over yet, monster lover boy. *Hits Abattoir on the right shoulder as he left*

(Teacher): Are you okay, Abattoir?

(Abattoir): I don't know, teach. Do I look like I'm okay to you?

(Teacher): Hmm... I think you're okay. Now, go attend to your respected classroom. We don't want to be late now, do we?

(Abattoir): Yeah, yeah, I'm on it.

After the talk, I head to my respective classroom, and thank the deity who is listening to me, Jackson ain't in my classroom, so that can give me a breathing space.

I go to my chair, which is at the far back near the window. And the teacher, the same teacher from before, did a roll call.

(Teacher): Alright, let's do this. I know we don't want to be here, but I need to be here because I need money, and you guys need knowledge to survive in this world. Roll call time. Barley!

(Barley): Here!

(Teacher): Check. Yilon!

(Yilon): Here!

(Teacher): Check, and check. Trinidad!

At this point, I tuned out the teacher because this is boring as heck. I wonder what they're going to teach us today.

As I was in my own world, the teacher shouted at me.

(Teacher): I said Abattoir! I know you're in here!

(Abattoir): ...Here.

(Teacher): Next time, call out your name. I almost put an absent on you.

(Abattoir): Sure.

(Teacher): *Sigh* Anyway, anyone remember our last lesson? Anyone?

I sure as hell didn't remember because I wasn't listening. Let's go, amnesia gang!

(Teacher): Oh. It seems like nobody remembers. Oh well, I'm just going to call someone. I did say you can read it in your books the last time.

Oh crap, I shouldn't have signed up to this crappy school.

(Teacher): Alright, let's pick... Abattoir.

I feel like the teacher is doing this just to spite me. Maybe if I pretend that I didn't hear it, he won't notice me.

𝐑𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐋 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐇𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐍Where stories live. Discover now