33-Day Around The City

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|Valentina POV|

we walked out of the photoshoot place and got inside the car that was waiting outside for us.

"so where are we going to go" Benito asked

"I don't know let me think" I said as I thought of places to go

I thought about it for two minutes when I finally thought of a place

"oh I know, let's go to the Frida Khalo museum, do you want to go" I asked him

"yea let's go I want to see that" he said as I nodded

"please take us to the Frida Khalo museum" I told the driver as he nodded

"Si señorita" said the driver

"como que señorita? parece que tenemos la misma edad, solo llámame Valentina" I told the driver that was around his 20's

"ok perdon por eso señ-  digo Valentina" he laughed

"eso es mejor, señorita suena mal" I laughed

"Okay, Valentina" he said as he drove off

|At the museum|

we had arrived at the museum and the place was beautiful.

"gracias, lamento no haberle preguntado antes su nombre, ¿qué es?" I asked the driver

"Es Manuel" he said

"ah está bien gracias Manuel, eres más que bienvenido a venir o puedes ir y hacer lo que quieras" I said

"Aquí me espero gracias" he said

"Estas seguro" I asked

"Si gracias Valentina" he assured

"está bien, volveremos en poco tiempo" I smiled as we left

"okay let's go" I told Benito as he grabbed my hand

Once we got in everything was so beautiful, some of her paintings were hung on the wall, in another room you could see the outfits she used to wear.

"wow this is amazing" Benito said

"I know right, look at this painting its so beautiful" I pointed at one of the paintings on the wall as he observed it

"wow" he said in awe

After an hour of being there and observing everything, we were tired and decided to leave. We went back to the car where Manuel took us back to our hotel.

We got out the car and thanked him then headed into our room. We used the key to unlock the room once we were inside Benito locked the door.

"You want to order some food" he asked

"Yea I'm hungry" I rubbed my stomach as he nodded and went over to the phone to order the food

After awhile the food had finally arrived. There was a chicken salad and some rice with beans and for dessert there was flan.

"Which one do you want" Benito asked

"I'll take the salad" I said as he nodded

I started eating it and it was really good. Once I was finished I went and put the plate on the counter.

"You want to share this" Benito asked as he pointed to flan

"No you can have it, I'm kind of full now" I said

"Are you sure" he asked

"Yea go ahead" I said as he nodded and started eating it

3 hours later

"What time is it" asked Benito

"It's 10:00 pm" I said as I checked the time

"You want to go somewhere or are you tired" he asked me as he sat next to me

"I'm honestly so tired" I yawned

"Okay we can sleep if you want" he said

"If you want to go somewhere then go don't let me hold you back" I looked at him

"No it's fine I'll stay here with you" he said as he gave me a kiss

"okay if that's what you want" I said as I got up and went into the bathroom to do my night routine

Once I was done I went back to the bed where Benito was already asleep. I got under the covers and got comfortable. We have to go back to Miami tomorrow so I need to rest. After a while I finally fell asleep.

Here's a short chapter hope y'all liked it also the next few chapter are going to be interesting...

There's only seven chapters left after this.

La noche de anocheTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon