Chapter 1

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Valentina POV

I was sitting on the couch with my best friends Lucia and Alai we were on our phones just bored

"Hey Vale look at this" Lucia said showing me her phone

"A concert, tonight?" I asked handing back her phone

"Yea this singer is going to perform, his name is bad bunny" she said looking at the flyer she got sent

"I never heard of him, have you Alai" I asked

"No, let me see a pic of him" Alai asked Lucia

"Hold on let me see if I can find him" she said

"Here" she said a couple minutes later handing us her phone

"Girl he fine" Alai said

"Yea you're not wrong" I said

"We should go" Lucia suggested

"I mean if y'all want to go then let's go" I said

"What type of music does he sing" Alai asked

"Latin Trap" Lucia replied

"I found one of his songs" I said as I clicked on a song named " Me Rolie"

"So do y'all like it" I asked as the song came to an end

"Yea I like it" Lucia said

"Yea it's okay" Alai said

I clicked on another song named "Tú No Vive Asi"

"Mmm I like the other one better" I said

"Yea same" Lucia said

"I like this one more" Alai said

"Let's listen to this one" I said clicking on "Dime Si Te Acuerdas"

"Oh I really like this one, it's different from the others" I said

"Yea this song is so good" Lucia added

"It's low key sad, it's not really my vibe, I like the second one more" Alai said as we laughed

"Alright what times the concert" I asked Lucia

"It says here that it's at 8:00 pm" she replied

"It's 7:25 we better start getting ready" I said as we all got up to get ready

7:55 pm

We were finally finished getting ready

"Vale you look so good" Alai said

"Thank you, so do y'all" I replied

Valentinas outfit:

Valentinas outfit:

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Lucias outfit:

Lucias outfit:

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Alais outfit:

|At the concert|

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|At the concert|

We arrived at the venue and found a parking spot, the venue wasn't that big it looked like it fit about 80 people or so

Once we got inside it was full of people dancing and the smell of alcohol was strong

"Let's go get a drink" Lucia said as she grabbed mine and Alais hand and headed to the bar

"Hello ladies what will y'all have" the bartender asked us

"Let me get a Bloody Mary" Lucia said

"Same for me" I said

"I'll get a daiquiri" Alai said

The Bartender nodded and started making our drinks

Once he was finished he handed us our drinks and we headed to the dance floor

"I'll catch y'all later, I need to use the bathroom" I said as the girls nodded

As I was walking I felt someone bump into me making my drink spill all over me

"Oh my fucking gosh" I said

"Perdon mami no te vi" a man with a strong Puerto Rican accent said

I looked up and there he was, bad bunny

"Puñeta mira pa' dónde vas" I said angry as I wiped my shirt with a napkin I got from the bar

"Ya dije perdon" he said

"Sí esta bien" I said

"Toma" he said as he handed me his jacket

"No it's fine" I said trying to walk away but he grabbed my wrist

"Here take it please" he said but he had an accent, you could tell English wasn't his first language

"Oh okay thank you" I said

"What's your name" he asked

"Valentina" I replied as I put on his jacket

"What's yours" I asked him

"Benito" he said as he held out his hand expecting me to shake it

"Nice to meet you" I said shaking his hand

"Benito ya es tiempo" another guy came and told him

"Sí ahorita voy" he replied

"I have to leave now" he said as I nodded

"After the concert, wait for me I want to get to know you more" he said

"I will" I smiled as he smiled back and started walking away

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