Chapter 26

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|Lucia POV|

We've been home for about an hour now, I think we should go to Valentinas house again. I really hope they're done doing what they were doing. It was so nasty just hearing them.

"I think we should go back to Valentina's house again" I suggested to Alai

"Okay let's go, I just really hope we don't experience what we did an hour ago" Alai said as I nodded and got my car keys

We both headed outside and got into the car, Alai put on music and I drove off.

|Valentinas POV|

I woke up and saw that Benito wasn't next to me anymore, I got up and got dressed. I went into the kitchen and started getting ingredients out to make some food.

I was going to make some Morisqueta, I put the rice to cook when I saw Benito coming down the stairs. He came up to me and wrapped his arms around me hugging me from the back.

"Hey, I was wondering where you were" I moved the rice around and added the water that I had on the side so it doesn't burn

"Yea I just had to make a call real quick" he said looking at what I was doing as I nodded my head

"What are you making" he asked as he let go of me and stood beside me observing the food

"Have you had Mexican food before" I asked

"Probably only like tacos" he responded as I put my hand on my chest and pretended to be offended

"Me ofendes" I laughed

"I'm sorry, I just never had anyone to make me authentic Mexican food" he laughed

"We'll now you do, have you heard of morisqueta" I asked as I went over to where I had the chopped up meat

"No I don't think so" he looked at me

"Oh well that's what I'm making, it's rice with meat or cheese but I'm making it with meat, the meat has sauce either spicy or non spicy, whichever you prefer, and sometimes beans" I explained to him as I put the meat in a separate pot and added water

"That sounds really good" he looked at the food I was cooking

"Trust me, it is" I said as I checked up on the rice

"Do you need help" he asked

"mmm you can check on the rice" I said as he nodded and went over to the rice

|40 minutes later|

The rice was done, the meat was almost done, I started putting different chiles in the blender to make the sauce. I blended them and added water once they were blended, I blended it one more time then added it to the meat.

"It smells so good" Benito came over to look at the meat and rubbed his belly

"It's almost done, it needs like five more minutes" I said

a couple minutes passed and I turned off the stove, I was about to grab some plates to serve me and Benito when I heard a knock on the door. I looked at Benito and he looked at me

"Are you expecting anyone" he asked as I shook my head no

"Hide, what if it's Raúl" I looked at him

"If it was him he would just use the keys" he said

"Still hide please" he said

"I'll stay in the kitchen where no one can see me" he said as I nodded and went to open the door

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