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Samantha's POV


It's a place where most students go because they think a degree will solve all their issues. Where others go to escape their families for a whole semester and some, because they feel that without college they are nothing.

Personally, I think college is a place people go to find themselves. It's where a child learns what the world is really about. Unfortunately, college really isn't where I thought I'd be at this point in my life. It's wrong for me for so many reasons.

One of those reasons is that I'm being forced by my father to go to university; it wasn't even my decision. If I had the chance to choose any school to attend, I'd rather it be culinary school. But my parents don't believe in my dream. In fact, they don't care and by the way, it's a fact not an assumption. They wanted me to go to university and study palaeontology and that's what I had to do whether I liked it or not.

Scowling at that fact, I zipped up my suitcase with more force than necessary before taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

I still had hope that someday I'd become a world renowned chef. I had too much talent to just waste it on dead fossils. Besides, I would never truly be happy if I didn't pursue my dream.

The first time I cooked, I remember I was seven years old and my parents had left me home alone with no food. I had eggs, sugar, milk and oil. Admittedly, it turned out horribly, but I believe that those eggs would have been amazing if I hadn't added the sugar. Either way, that's when I knew that cooking was my dream.

I cooked whenever I could, which once I was shipped off to boarding school when I was fourteen, became rare. But to this day, my dream of becoming a professional chef still burns within me.

Anyway, like I mentioned, my father is forcing me to attend a school not far from home, but far enough that if he was called because of bad behaviour he could come and deal with me. For some reason, he wants me to study palaeontology. The honest truth is I didn't even know what it was up until about a month ago when I was enrolled.

Honestly, at this point, I hate my parents. Well, at least I try. I'm not sure who I dislike more, though, because it's become quite unclear—my dad for being a controlling beast or my mum for never helping me and never actually being around to get the chance to.

"Samantha! I don't have all day here. If you don't get down here in two minutes, you're walking there!" I heard my father's deep voice yell.

Quickly scrambling off of my bed, I grabbed all the things I needed and rushed down the stairs. Most would take that remark lightly, but with my father, you really can never be too sure.

"I'm here," I said with a bright smile once I got to the last floor.

I looked at him hopefully — maybe he'd just hug me and say how sorry he was for the fifteen years of physical, verbal and emotional abuse. I hoped that he would actually beg for forgiveness then we could put the past behind us and be a happy family. Yes, I know how pathetic it is that I still expect some kind of love from him, but he's my dad. It didn't really matter that he'd been so horrible to me for so long because I just wanted him to be my father.

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