Start from the beginning

Alice stood glumly, watching them from a distance. Her ghost squad had never been so angry with her.

Knave slowly approached her. "Like I said, you need to give them time." He said.

Alice nodded. She glanced at the clock. It was ten in the morning. Which meant her mother had already left for the shop. She gave a sigh, and realized with a jolt, that it was her birthday morning. She rushed to the side of her bed, and searched for the note she usually found every birthday. At least one thing could be normal.

Her ghost squad had left talking, and were now looking at her worriedly. Alice moved her pillows and blanket. There was nothing.

"What are you looking for?" Asked Knave, coming to stand behind her.

"Her mother's note." Replied Maria, in a gentle voice. Knave looked confused but did not say anything.

 Alice bent, and began to search under her bed. She found nothing. She rose and looked at her friends. "Did you guys see it?" She asked hopefully, though she already knew the answer. If they had seen the letter, it would've been in her hands now. 

They all exchanged a concerned look. "Perhaps she forgot?" Asked Charlie, trying to sound helpful.

Mike glared at him. "Charlie, that is not at all helping!"

Charlie shrugged. "Got anything better to say?"

Feeling miserable, Alice sat on her bed. "I ruined everything!" She cried out. She dug her face into her hands, to hide her tears.

"Alice?" Mike called out. Alice looked up, tears rolling down her cheeks.

The twins and Maria were hovering a few feet in front of her. Knave was sitting next to Alice, his eyes fixed on the ground.

"I know the reason you hid such a big thing from us is because you had the best interest for us at heart, but we just wished you would've trusted us!" Said Mike.

Alice got up. "Oh Mike, I trust you all with my life! It is just that I...., I did not want to burden you with something I was not sure of myself." She looked at her friends. "Do you think you can ever forgive me?" She asked, carefully.

Maria drifted a little closer. "Darling, of course we can!" She said. Charlie and Mike shot her a confused look, but then nodded in agreement.

Alice wiped her tears. "I badly wish we could've had a group hug!" She said, her voice brittle.

Knave got up and came to stand beside her. "You could hug me!" He suggested. "Though I must warn you, you might fall in love with me afterwards." He added, sounding pleased with himself.

Maria was looking at him with her nose scrunched, as if she were looking at an annoying bug. Charlie and Mike, both wore a murderous expression, reminding Alice that they were twins no matter how different they were from each other.

"What?" Knave demanded, looking at all of them. "I thought we were cool with each other!" He mused.

Mike eyed him. "I do not recall saying anything like that!" Knave was about to answer, but Mike raised his palm, stopping him. "However, we have decided you can stay with us, until we figure out what to do with you." He finished.

Knave matched his stare. His blue eyes serious. "You do not need to worry about me!" He turned to Alice. "Look, I appreciate all that you did for me, but I cannot expect you to care for me your whole life! Since I am...,"

Alice cut him off, "I was not planning to take care of you my whole life. I was just...," She broke off, looking at his narrowed eyes.

Knave cleared his throat. Ignoring her completely, he continued, "Since I am now free from that damn woods, I have decided to go somewhere far away from it!"

Alice was shocked. A thousand questions were swarming her head. "Where will you go?" She asked.

"I suppose that should not be our problem." Replied Mike calmly.

"Exactly! If the annoying prince- namesake-ghost dude wants to leave, then let him!" Said Charlie.

Knave seemed to be an expert in ignoring people. His eyes never left Alice's as he said, "Even though my parents can no longer see me, that does not mean I cannot try." He shrugged. "Besides, the curse might've even worn out by now!"

Alice nodded. He did have point. She noticed that Mike and Charlie's faces had softened a little. Maria was looking around the room anxiously. Her friend seemed to be behaving weirdly ever since her birthday week. She could not wonder why. However, that was a worry for another day.

Alice took a deep breath. "Think you could join us for breakfast before you leave?" She asked, looking at Knave hopefully.

Knave smiled. "Of course! I wasn't planning on missing my first meal outside of the woods!"

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