You turned the doorknob and flung the door open, only for it to stop halfway. A surprised grunt came from the inside as you realized you had walked into the bathroom while Namjoon was using it. Suddenly, all sleep that dulled your senses and made your eyes heavy swept away in panic.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," you yelped as your tried shuffling out the door.

"No, it's okay, y/n. I was just leaving."

Namjoon's voice was deep and gravelly as if he had woken up just to use the bathroom. You peered around the door as the two of you scuffed to switch places, you walking into the bathroom and him finding himself in the doorway.

As you turned back to look at him, you felt your mouth dip into numbness. He looked tired, but just awake enough to process your embarrassment. His hair was messy, piled on top of his head, but in the kind of chic way that models try and achieve. His shirt was dark blue and cotton, clinging to his chest comfortably and just enough to see an outline of what lied underneath. He shoved his hands in the pockets of a pair of light grey sweatpants. You were tempted to look down but forced yourself to keep your eyes on his.

He let out a low chuckle, breaking the silence. "Awe, don't be embarrassed, y/n. 'Happens sometimes."

You looked up to him defensively. "I'm not embarrassed! I just... didn't expect anyone to be in here."

He bit the inside of his cheek with a smirk and took a step towards you. His voice was softer when he spoke this time. "You're blushing."

You lifted a hand to your cheek, folding your other arm around yourself and looking away. He was telling the truth. Your cheeks were burning up. You weren't particularly embarrassed, but you were absolutely flustered to say the least.

He took another step closer and you began to feel your heart beat faster. His hand raised slowly, touching the hand that you placed on your cheek. He moved it out of the way, his stare fixated on your face as if looking for the slightest sign of discomfort or unease. Of course, you gave none. He blinked, his eyes spilling into yours one second, then focused on your lips the next. You knew if you could see yourself then you would cringe. Your eyes most likely wide as ever and cheeks burned pink.

His pointer finger ran under your chin, lifting your head ever so slightly. His touch sent electricity down your spin and through your veins all the way to your fingertips.

"Always such a pretty thing," he whispered, his warm breath fanning across the side of your face.

If you had to place a wager in that moment, you would have bet all your life savings and more that he would've kissed you. That he would have pulled you just a few inches closer and closed the space between your lips. You longed for it, wanted it, needed it.

But as if the world had begun turning the opposite way on its axis, Namjoon pulled back, dropping his hand to his side. You let out a silent breath you had been holding and blinked, utterly shocked at the change of pace.

He turned and took a few steps towards the door. "Goodnight, y/n. See you at breakfast."

Breathless, you wanted to reach out to him. You wanted to tell him to come back. Invite him back to your room and be as close as you wanted. You had so much to say, so many words that could spill out of your lips if you didn't dam them in.

"Namjoon," you breathed, causing him to pause and turn to look over his shoulder.

Your mind raced, and you genuinely didn't know what to say in that moment. So many words you could use to form a sentence, but nothing sounded right. You sucked in a gust of air.

"Are you coming to Yoongi's party tomorrow night?"

His stone and ruinous expression softened into a sweet smile that brought out his dimples.

"Will you be there?" He asked back.

Typically, you would say something along the lines of "I asked you first" in order to tease, but in that moment, you felt weak at the knees and breathless beyond the point of flirtatious banter. In replace of your quip, you just nodded, keeping your chin low, shyly.

He flashed his teeth this time, grinning sweetly in the way that you had come to know over the years.

"Then I wouldn't miss it."

And with that, he slipped away back into Yoongi's bedroom, shutting the door softly behind him. Your face still burned like hot coals but vibrated at the place under your chin where he had touched you. Now you were absolutely sure you weren't imagining things. It wasn't just in your head. This was real and happening.

That night you dreamt about him. His smile toothy and bright, his dimples deep and happy. You dreamt that what happened in the bathroom didn't end there. That you went further. Far enough to scratch the itch. The itch that you found had grown and festered in the pit of your stomach.

The itch for him. The itch for Namjoon. The itch for your big brother's best friend. 

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