Chapter 11 - There's an angel in my basement.

Start from the beginning

I was having fun , yes but as Nyx had mentioned my thoughts were invaded by  Adraniel and what he must be doing.  I hadn't received a single call from him.

We were currently in the party room and drinking. Pierce had a girl on his lap and they all were hoping while William looked so out of place. I think I had a lot of drinks cause I was feeling tipsy and drunk. I don't even remember how many I had before I lost count.

"William, have some fun! Don't be like Sebastian!" Pierce whined to which we all laughed and Sebastian lazily flipped him off.
My phone rang and I picked it up to realise it was from house phone. Just as the sound of laughter died down I heard Adraniel.

"Luc- Luc- Lucien!" Adraniel gasped crying out.

Oh come on can't he leave me alone? I was starting to have some me time and enjoy the party.

"Wh-what Adraniel?! Can't I enjoy my time away from you?!"  I shouted at him but my words slurred.

"Lucien please- come back!" He said and I rolled my eyes and gulped down another shot of Bourbon.
My loud voice had stopped the conversation and I looked up to find everyone staring at me.

"What's going on , honey?" The girl on Pierce's lap asked

"Nothing love you, continue . Just a spam caller." And I hung up.
I'll regret this later but I'll worry about later.

"Something's not right. I feel someone has been there in my house." William said standing up but Greyson and Gaston pulled him back.

"Must be the workers or Daniel. Don't worry about burglars Lucien's dog is there to protect our houses." Pierce said and I raised my glass proudly.

"By dog I mean, Luke" Pierce smirked and I scowled at him.

After a long night of partying I passed out as soon as I hit the bed.

Next day when I remembered about the call , I had really felt guilty and tried to call back but no picked up. I think Adraniel is mad at me. Shit.

I don't even remember what was he saying.
The day went by and I tried to call but no one was picking up ,not even Luke and an unsettling anxiety set in my chest.
The last day of the party went by in a blurr and as Nyx left with Axel to enjoy their holiday we decided it was time for us to leave too.


Today in the morning we had just left the city of the supernaturals. We were just outside in the interdimensional plane when a weird feeling hit my chest. Adraniel had crossed the outer boundary of my lair. He was in the property , I could feel him but that also means my brother's could too if they focused.

I quickly flew faster and landed on the boundary of the property just in time for Adraniel to crash into my chest.

The moment he saw me tears of relief filled his eyes.

"I'm so happy and relieved to see you. Please save me!!" he cried as I took him in my arms.

"What are you doing here? Save you?" I frowned at him. What is he talking about?

As I was about to answer Luke came right behind him.

"Lucien get him!! He's running away! " He shouted and sudden anger filled my mind as I took in Luke's appearance. He was a mess and there was huge gash and a butchers knife still impaled in his head.

Did Adraniel do this? My mind became fogged and I was filled with rage. During my absence he had tried to runaway. He actually did try to runaway. I was right. He was planning to runaway and when I was away he did it. And that too, by hurting my closest friend?

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