12- I Thought it was Over

Start from the beginning

As the sun came up, it shined through the windows of the houses in town. Some woke up while others stayed asleep. In the Todoroki house, they were waking up but one person was still asleep. The oldest sibling Touya. Natsuo went up to his brothers door, knocking softly. "Whoever it is, fuck off" he heard from the other side of the door. He shook his head and knocked again, this time only a bit louder. He heard a groan and a couple seconds later his brother opened the door with tired eyes and messy white hair that also fell in his face a little bit

"Mom told me to wake you up. We're gonna leave soon so hurry up" "Whatever" he shut the door and walked back to his bed sitting down and rubbing his eyes. After he got dressed he put his boots on and walked downstairs where his family was waiting for him. "Now we can go" Enji said as they walked out the door and down the street

They first entered into a store Touya wanted to go into to get some clothes as well as a pair of shoes. Once done they went to where the other three wanted doing the same thing. Getting clothes and a pair of shoes. After the shopping was done they went to a restaurant not that far from their home and got something to eat

As time passed they finally got home and were able to wash their stuff and then put it all away where it belonged. "Did you guys enjoy today?" Rei asked with a smile. They all responded with a yes. They spent the rest of the day spending time with each other till it was dark out. They decided to sit outside though and feel the cool breeze blowing against them. Touya was sitting away from his family with his legs up towards his chest and looking out to the thousands of stars in the sky while the moon shined bright leaving a nice glow down on the town

Just like Sam told him awhile back, during the night he's not gonna look like himself and he was very aware of what he looked like right now. He started to get this feeling down in his chest, though he knew that feeling all to well. His breathing started to pick up and droll came out of his mouth as he felt the hunger he hasn't felt for awhile

He didn't look towards his family though just to try and keep himself calm. He did everything in his power to not let it get the best of him but it was an intoxicating feeling. The feeling of blood on his tongue, how it felt to go down his throat, how it made him feel everytime he got it. He thought this wouldn't happen again but here he is, having to deal with it all over again

His family noticed his heavy breathing which got them a little worried. "Are you ok over there?" Shoto called out. Touya slowly stood up and walked to the door still breathing heavy. "Follow him" they got up after he was inside and entered in as well. They seen him at the table with his head down and arms at his sides. His chest moving up and down quickly because of his breathing

"Hey are you ok?" Shoto asked as he walked to his brother, reaching a hand out. "...Fine" was all Touya was able to get out. He wasn't understanding why this was happening to him all over again. He felt a hand on his back and he quickly sat up seeing who it was to see his brother Shoto. Shoto quickly backed away though to his family as he recognized the look on his face

"Call Sam. Someone find rope or something. We have to tie him down or he's gonna act like an animal" "Why?" Natsuo asked. Shoto pointed to Touya just so his family can see how he is. "I thought this was over..." that's when Rei grabbed her phone out and quickly called Sam telling them to hurry up and get here as fast as possible. Fuyumi found some rope in the shed outside for the garden but took it anyway and ran back inside. "I found some rope Shoto!" she yelled as she handed it to him

"Hold him down" they did as told while he tied his brother down so he doesn't attack anyone. A couple minutes later, Sam entered through then made their way to Touya. "What's the problem?" they asked as they stood in front of him looking at what they could. Long sharp teeth, bigger pupils, heavy breathing, droll dripping down his chin while everything else was the same

"He's gotten hungry again. I don't understand why though" Enji said. They nodded and slowly raised their hand, watching him focus on their hand that went to the top of his head. He didn't know what they did that for but he smiled up at them

"Is there something you need little siren?" he nodded and tried to speak but all he could do was make a purring sound from his head being petted gently. "He needs blood. Do you have any with you?" Rei asked. Sam shook their head. "give me a knife and I'll give him some of mine" Rei went to the kitchen grabbing one and handing it to Sam. They took it with a smile and took their hand off Touya's head making him growl loudly

"Chill out. I'll feed you in a second" they said as they did what needed to be done a couple times for him to have enough and untied him. Touya got up and went to Sam, grabbing their arm and licking up the blood that was there. While he was feeding, Enji spoke up "is there a reason as to why this is happening again?" "Well it could be due to the fact that in a week something is gonna happen to him so he needs the blood to help him remember what human blood tastes like. Or possibly he just got hungry again for some reason and decided to let the feeling take control of him. Either option is a reasonable explanation as to why this may be happening but by morning this shouldn't happen till the last day of this week" they explained

Enji nodded as he watched his oldest son act the way he did in the very beginning. A few minutes have passed and Sam was wrapping their arm up while Touya was asleep at their side. "I'll take him to bed. You guys should sleep as well" Sam stood up and picked up Touya the best they could and walked to his room. They heard the family coming up the steps as well as doors shutting. They smiled as Touya was now under his covers

"I know this will be tough for them to let you go but it has to happen. You'll be able to visit though and turn back to your human self whenever you want but for right now we'll keep this a secret till Saturday. Sleep well my wonderful siren"

>───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───<>───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───<

Word count: 2008

Sry if this chpt sucked I've been dealing with things all day so I was kinda distracted while tryin to get it done so I'm sry abt that. Also don't mind the song I was listenin to it while writin this. For some reason tho it makes me think of Touya when what I have planned for him happens

I also just wanted to add in his hunger again cause it was so fun to write at the beginnin and I feel like it would make sense if he got hungry all over again while what I have planned is slowly takin over his life

Anyway idk what else to say so like usual

If u have any criticism it is welcomed

All hate will be ✨deleted✨

Cya lovelies 🏳️‍🌈✌️🏻❤

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