[0] Prologue - Leaf of Faith

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(Sludge): *Wiggles that translates to "I'm just going to chill on the beach. The sand on my slimey body feels great."*

(Abattoir): I thought you don't feel anything since, you know, you're a slime. *Continues eating the half-assed made sandwich*

(Sludge): *Wiggles that translates to "Unlike Verdana and Thew here, I have nervous system. I know it might sound weird, but I just do."*

(Abattoir): I... *Sigh* Whatever you say, my good old slime pal. *Continues eating the still crappy and probably shitty sandwich... is this thing edible?*

(Verdana): I'm going to become a Royal Guards(Wo)man.

(Abattoir): Why though? You can become a chef instead of a soldier.

(Verdana): Well, ever since my mom died from one of the bandit's ambush, my father decided to make me become a symbol of hope, which is to become a Royal Guard. And my father is also a Royal Guard serving the king of the monsters, Morgore Dreemurr.

The three of us, me, Sludge, and Thew were silent for a few minutes. I never thought that Verdana, a cheerful and optimistic skeleton, has a tragic backstory.

(Abattoir): ...Phew! Is it just me, or is the THYME here getting slower after that. It feels like 1 year has passed, even though it's only a second.

(Sludge): *Wiggles that translates to "Wow, mood."*

(Thew): Even I have to agree with Sludge here, despite not knowing what he's talking about. Is Sludge a boy or a girl?

(Abattoir): I don't know. Sludge, you're a boy or girl?

(Sludge): *Wiggles that translates to "I'm a boy, if you guys are wondering. Though, I'm pretty sure Abattoir knows that."*

(Thew): What did he say?

(Abattoir): He says he's a boy.

(Thew): Huh, good to know.

(Verdana): Hey boys, what THYME is it?

(Thew): I don't know. Abattoir?

(Abattoir): I don't care.

(Sludge): *Wiggles that translates to "I think it's already 11:34 pm."*

(Verdana): I don't what he said. Abattoir, translate.

(Abattoir): *Munching on his trash sandwich before talking* 11:34 pm. *Continues to finish(K.O.-ing) the sandwich*

(Verdana): Kyaaaaa! I'm late! My father is going to be mad because I'm late. *Packs her stuff and hurries out of the forest*

(Thew): What's eating her?

(Abattoir): It's probably her dad training and disciplining her to become a Royal Guard, or that's what I assume. It's probably the former and the latter. *Already K.O.'d the sorry for an excuse sandwich*

(Sludge): *Wiggles that translates to "I'm going home, too, guys. I think my parents are worried about me.", then leaves the group to go in the direction of his home*

(Thew): I'm going to leave, too. My mom is probably worried about me. See you on Monday, Abattoir! *Leaves, too*

With everybody gone, I'm the only one left here. It's so... quiet.

I tried calling for someone to see if there's anybody here. I shouted and shouted at the forest.

But nobody came.

(Abattoir): ...*Looks to the ground*... This is fine. Besides, I'm going to meet my friends on Monday, or August 4, 845, because that's the start of the school. *Sigh* I just don't care anymore. *Also leaves this spot in the forest* Well, YOLO, so this is pretty much... a LEAF of faith.

And those damn rimshots were all over the place. Like, where are they coming from.

But I decided to stop questioning the broken laws of physics and start hauling my ass to my home. A dumpy ass home, but it's still my home nonetheless.

We got garbage, trash, and... that's about it. I'm going to sleep now, because I got school tomorrow.

Ah, yes, the prison but not really. I still need to learn some shit during my age, which is 6 years old.

That means I'm a Grade 1 student. Man, how do I keep managing to forget my grade level is beyond me, but like always, I don't care.

I jumped on top of my bed and sleep.

(Abattoir): Sleep means energy, and I need energy for tomorrow... *Snores like a silent scream*




Name - Abattoir Expiry ||| Age - 6 Years Old ||| Personality - Apathetic to his surroundings, but kinda cares for his friends.

Name - Verdana (No last name) ||| Age - 7 Years Old ||| Personality - Cheerful and optimistic skeleton, but gets serious if she has to.

Name - Thew (No last name) ||| Age - 6 Years Old ||| Personality - Tends to be scary to the people, but is actually a chill and cool dude.

Name - Sludge (No last name) ||| Age - 8 Years Old ||| Personality - Smart and knows his stuff, but doesn't talk much to other people besides his best friends.

𝐑𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐋 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐇𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐍Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu