chapter 18

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I stopped talking and took a deep breath ......

It was silent for about 3 minutes when she stood up and looked at me . She was just about to say something when she walked away I got up very quickly and reached for her so she would stay with me. I started talking about how that I shouldn't of  put that pressure on her and I'm sorry that I told her I just really needed to get it of my chest as it was stressing me out so much . Then I kept taking and talking when I felt a pair of lips on mine the soft ones which always tasted like vanilla and strawberries  ( umhh idk anymore ). Then I felt her pull away from me.

then she  said that she loved me too . Which was so so amazing I really thought that she hated me for that. Then I pulled her into a hug which lasted for about I don't actually now I was to happy that she said it back to me.She pulled away saying that she was going to go to bed she started walking up the stairs then stopped and looked back saying if I was coming with her or not with not thought I ran upstairs with her. If I was honest we were still very  drunk so when we got upstairs Molly went to go change in the bathroom . She came back out and then laid on her bed. Then sat back up looking at me saying if I was coming to sleep or not ? I was sure if she meant in her bed or my own to I stated to walk out the room when she said not that bed my bed.

Molly POV :

After I told him that he could come stay in my bed I ran out the room doing who knows what. After like 2 minutes walks back in with shorts on and he had his laptop and snacks with him . We started to play shameless again me and him never stopped watching the show as well as Grey's anatomy. But we had to pick shameless. We were on season 2 episode 11 : ( that episode was very upsetting ).

We were now on episode 13 now and I was staring to feel very sleepy I look up to see that Ben was staring at me I smile at him and said that he should take a picture as it will last way longer he smiles and goes to kiss me when thunder and lightning strike happened. I jumped and hugged him . I never really liked thunder and lightning ever since my dad moved I got scared again he looked after me when I was scared when I was younger. Ben asked me if I was ok and I told him that I was just scared and I always had been but I will be fine . He asked me if I was sure. No I'm not sure .. when I heard a thunder again hugging him again . He laughed saying that there was nothing to be scared of and that he was here he would protect me . I say thanks and kissing him on the cheek. I told him that I was just going to try go sleep he said ok kissing me I kissed back saying goodnight.

I got to sleep very quick last night me and Ben was meant to be leaving tomorrow night which was very sad but today he said that we could just stay in as it was meant to be raining all day. My eyes were still closed but I felt Ben move and hide his head in my shoulder. I smile when I hear a very sleepy voice saying I know you are awake. I was going to say that I wasn't but there was no point so I decided to turn round are faces were very very close together .


It's only small but I'm still not fully better but this is something that I've been working on I really hope that you like it ❤️.

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Words :685

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