Forget everything

Start from the beginning

I could be in Chaiobai a small jail near the city borders mostly used to keep inmates before execution that would make more sense.

Another wave of pain flashed in her stomach she tried throwing up but nothing came out she pushed herself off the ground trying to slam on the cell bars to signal for help when she let her hand rest on the metal poles coated with rust it turned red from the heat.

her vision went completely white as the pain in her stomach only worsened she screamed loud enough for someone to come and check on her.

She felt her teeth chattering and the sound of metal doors slamming someone came in to ask questions a young man she lunged towards him with as much force as she had left and wrapped her legs around his neck to knock him out but the pain ruined her attack  enough for him to easily throw her off of him.

" What's wrong with you!"

Azula pulled as close to him as the chains would let her attempting to take away his keys that had dangled dangerously close to her grasp a second ago

He wrote down something in a letter and stamped it off leaving before she could snap back at him.

The cells around her were empty or they're occupants had known better and kept they're mouths shut, breath silent and eyes focused to the ground.

Along with dust lots of dust, the pain took everything else it triumphed she curled up as tight as she could sweat mixing into her still fresh cuts and sticking her hair to her forehead

" I'm going to die"

She's not sure who she said it to but she felt them leave the room

Hours more of this and she couldn't fight it anymore she let her eyes open and peaked through the bars and somehow a panel of light sat in front of her like a spot light on the swirling speckles of dust.

A small window lit a square on the floor with sunlight she reached out for it letting her finger tips touch the rays it wasn't the last thing she wanted to see but at least she wasn't alone in the woods.

black spots speckled in her vision
She closed her eyes feeling the pain beating in every part of her and wondered if her heart was going to explode or if she would pass out first

She heard footsteps slow at first speed up when they stood in front of the cell.

" Don't do this to me again, don't lie"
"I'm so tired of the lying and manipulation I can't let you keep doing this to me over and over I can't take it."

She tried to look up but she could only see a cape that shadowed her from the light of the window.

" Mom?"

The figure lowered down to her and lifted her head " what happened to you"

The voice sounded clouded like listening from under water she wasn't even sure if she was hearing it or if it was just a memory but it still felt familiar

Hot tears slipped down her face more then she could control they slipped into the hand that lifted her head up.

" I'm so sorry mom I really messed up" she sniffled trying to gain control of her breath
I love you please don't go again

She felt a hand grab her own tight and fearful
and then booming voice that echoed down the hall they shook her trying to wake her back up but she gave up trying to keep her eyes open the last thing she felt was hd knuckles hitting the floor.

For as long as she can remember they're has been eyes on her.

She enjoyed them at first they came with compliments and adoration. But the older she got the more she felt different separate from everyone else

Azula Flickering HopeWhere stories live. Discover now