"Sorry" he stated and chuckled, giving you another peck on the lips. You sat up to put away the two pints of melted ice cream back into the fridge. As you walked to the fridge, Pietro paused the movie and waited for you to come back.

But as you were walking back, you heard your phone ring. Someone was calling, it was beside Pietro, he showed you who was calling, Tony.

"Should I answer it?" He asked and you nodded as a response. He swiped to the side and accepted the call.

"Y/n, I'm gonna need you and Pietro to be prepared in your combat gear in 5 minutes STAT. We have an emergency."

"Sure, we'll get ready" You stated as you looked at Pietro with your shocked expression. "Well? Get ready, you goof" you stated and he didn't hesitate to change into his running wear.

You warped to your bags and pulled out a small box with a button. You pressed the button and the box unraveled into a small chamber. You went in and it started replacing your clothes into your combat equipment. This was a handy thing to carry around, Tony gave it to you when you talked about not wanting to wear your combat wear all the time. But within seconds, the doors opened and you were fully prepared.

"Alright let's go" you stated as you walked out and pressed another button to collapse the chamber. "Pietro?" You asked and he wasn't there. He left without you, you scoffed and warped to the ship outside.

"Ah, Y/n, Thank you for being early" Tony stated as you arrived. "You're welcome?" You didn't know what to say, so you just buckled down with Pietro. "Oh, I have a question" Clint asked, looking at you. "Shoot" you replied. "What do we call you" you looked at him confused. "Whatever do you mean, Clint" you asked, "Well you know, everyone's got superhero names, Like Hawkeye, Captain America, Quicksilver. So what do they call you"

You thought about it for a while and couldn't even come up with one. "I, uh, I got nothin' in mind" you stated as you looked at him. He had a face of disappointment. "Oh I know, let's call you, Ghost." Tony stated. You thought about it and it fit your abilities well.

You were elusive and you could mess with timelines. "Damn, why didn't I think of that" Pietro stated, "I like it" you stated, looking at Tony. "You're welcome" Tony stated.

"Hey, isn't this ship unnecessary? We have a time-skipping teleporter right here for God's sake" Clint stated, pointing at you. Everyone was already looking at you, and they realized he was right, you've warped everyone to a lot of places for a mission, much faster than the ships.

"Let's get to it then, chop-chop" Tony stated. You unbuckled and stood up. "To where?" You asked. "New York, there's a group of, extraterrestrials destroying the city" Steve replied. They were just about to unbuckle when you warped all of them to new York at the same time, except for Pietro.

You walked towards the silver-haired man and said, "For good luck" you cupped his face and kissed him, warping him shortly after. "Showtime" you said to yourself and warped to New York, your smoke engulfing you.

As you warped to New York, you saw the damaged highway, cars blocking the road, trucks demolished. Tony was dealing with how to beat the mother ship. You turned around to a car racing towards you, you scoffed and waved your finger and warped it to the other side. "Watch where you're going" you stated and warped to where Pietro was.

"What the hell are you doing" you stated as he turned around, "Trying to win a fight" he replied, you giggled at how little damage he did to the metallic armor of the enemies.

Loving Him (Pietro x Male!Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें