Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

"Please buckle up your seat belts, we will be landing in LAX soon. Our crew hopes you've had a fantastic flight and we hope to see you soon." a fake cheerful voice booms through the speakers on the plane. I open my eyes and stretch, I look around the airplane and see everyone happily clicking their seat belts, relieved after a 11 hour flight. I look at Andie sitting next to me ,whose sleeping, and buckle her seat belt for her. I buckle mine and lean back looking through the window, listening to the engines buzzing loudly. I close my eyes and imagine Niall standing at the gate waiting for me. I can't wait to comb my fingers through his soft blond hair and hear his beautiful laugh ring in my ears. I smile at the thought and hold onto the chair arms as the plane prepares to land.

Once we land I wait until all the passengers leave to wake up Andie.

"Andie wake up," I frantically move her around. She jolts and looks around.

"Where is everyone?" She hollers and puts her hand over her mouth.

"Yeah, there was a plane crash." I sarcastically answer, roll my eyes and start to get up.

"Seriously Camilla." 

"UGH everyone got off already!" I shout ,irritated from the lack of sleep. I open up the overhead storage and pull out our carry on bags tossing one of them at Andrea.

"Come on," I settle the carry on bag on my shoulder and take a deep breath. I can't contain my smile knowing the fact that Niall is literally 20 minutes away. I start rushing down the alley to the front exit. Suddenly a flight attendant appears and grabs my hand, shaking it and smiling fakely. 

"I hope you enjoyed your flight," 

"Yeah I did, thank you." I smile back before letting go off her hand and I hear Andie, behind me, go through the same routine. 


"Do you see him?" I grab Andrea by the arm and stand on my tip toes, searching for a familiar blond head.

"No..." she trails off. I whip out my cell phone, turning it on, I go into contacts and text Niall.

Nialler<3:: Where are you babe?

As I wait for a response I look around for mobs of girls. Where is he? I start biting my nails ruining the beautiful polish I had applied. I have a feeling Niall isn't going to show up. Why wouldn't he show up? I search for Andrea with a stressed look and I realize she's disappeared. I look for a place to sit and wait for Niall to answer. 

Soon enough, three hours have passed, Andie finally returned, and Niall hasn't shown up yet or hasn't text me either. Frustrated I grabbed my things and marched towards the entrance with Andie trailing behind. The airport was empty and I easily found my way around. Once I reached the glass sliding doors, I stood waiting for Andrea to catch up. Finally, Andrea reaches me and we walk through the doors that have opened for us. Suddenly a grey car squeals to a stop right before me as I hailed a taxi cab. Without interest I look at the car and start moving closer to the cab I hailed. I hear a car door slam and my name being called.

"Camilla! Camilla! Camilla wait!"

I spin around on my heels about to get into the cab.

"Yes?" I'm taken aback. It's Niall.

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