Death Without Dying

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"It was lovely of you to try, Morgana." He raised himself up from a crouched position, towering over her as he drew closer and closer, preparing to make his final move. "But, like always, you've failed me." He leaned back and chuckled slightly, although it was more of a groan. "And you've failed yourself." He reached for the blade. 

"Like always and forever. How long do you plan to spend, pining after a future that just isn't possible?"

His expression darkened further, every muscle in his face seeming to heighten its hatred for her.

"Morgana!!" They both turned to see Merlin, drenched from head to toe, fighting his way out of the lake. He held up his hands and gave Morgana a pointed look. Understanding instantly, she let her arm swing back. Kyulds realized her intention too late. The sword left her hand and arced over them both. Merlin caught it triumphantly. 

Kyulds turned back to Morgana and smiled. "It is no matter. In this time you are not a high priestess. I don't need it. The only thing that sword would have done is make your death more painful." He reached down and retrieved a stick from the ground. In his hand it began to elongate and morph, the point becoming as sharp as any sword. "So, Morgana, are you ready to try again?"

"Hey!!!" Merlin was shouting again and waving his arms wildly, trying to regain Kyulds' attention. 

Kyulds didn't even turn to look, instead, he pulled back his newly crafted weapon and drove it through Morgana's stomach. She gasped, shocked by the attack. She stared at the object protruding from her stomach, not sure what to think. The world began to swim around her, the splintering pain suddenly setting in. She moaned.

"Don't fret, Morgana. Your death means another attempt for me, but it also means another attempt for you. Although, I'm not sure if you have much of a chance."

"HEY!!! BASTARD!!!!" This time Merlin's shout evoked some attention. Kyulds turned to see Merlin standing near the shore, outraged by what his future self had just done. "You're a MONSTER!!!" He grunted as he threw Excalibur over the water. 

"It's no use, Merlin. I have no need of the sword. It's over, you might as well-"

Excalibur never quite reached the lake. It had been stopped in the air by a gloved hand emerging from the water. 

Kyulds froze, transfixed by the sight. 

The rest of the man began to appear. 

"It... it can't be... no, I'm dreaming again."

Arthur said nothing as he stood there, Excalibur in his hand, water running off his armor and hair. He stood at ankle height, but well into the lake, far enough away from the shore where he shouldn't have been able to stand. 

Morgana shifted against the tree. It must be Freya's magic holding him up. This has to work. She gasped as another breath sent shockwaves of steaming hot knives coursing through her body. And it had to work fast. She was already doing all she could to not pass out from the pain. Her life force was this world's only link to the future. If she died... Kyulds would be able to reset it.


Kyulds sank to his knees. "I'm not Merlin anymore."

Arthur swallowed. "Then... then everything has been for nothing. My return will be in vain for there will be no one waiting for me. There will be no one to help and guide me."

"M- maybe I'm not right for that. I'm not strong enough, destiny got it wrong."

"There will be no one there to be my friend."

Kyulds looked up at him. "I... I'm trying to be your friend. I'm trying to get to you, I'm trying to die."

"Merlin, after everything we've been through, you can't abandon me now. You can't disregard our destiny."

But Now, I KnowWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt