Chpt.14: Reunion

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"Sooo.. Naruto! What've you done here while... um.." Sakura tried finding words.

"Struggling to find you for days and treating your future self." Sasuke grunted, sarcastically finishing her sentence.

"Oh c'mon Sasuke!" Kakashi patted his student on the back "Don't be like that! We know you were worried about Naruto but don't be a mood infront of these guys."

The raven blushed slightly at the comment and 'hnned'.

"Oh you won't believe what i did here!" Naruto began being jumpy again.

Kakashi noticed the spot on one of his hands where it got hurt from last week "Who helped you with that?" He pointed at it suddenly.

"Oh." He raised the hand to show his teammates "Future Sasuke helped me rewrap some cast on it for the last few days. He rocks!!"

The said Uchiha smiled beneath his face and added "Naruto's been rather good with the kids too. I guess that's what you get for having an energetic ball around for long."

"Right back at you." Kakashi replied and looked over to the other two kids sitting on the sofa behind them "Say, where's Sakura and Hinata? I want to see them.."

"Sakura was at the hospital the last time i checked.." Naruto tried recalling "and Hinata's gone to work. That's why they let Himawari stay here for the day."

They watched as Himawari placed a sunflower crown on Ken's head and shown the same eye smile as Kakashi.

"Also, me and Menma have been on a few super cool missions!" Naruto bounced up and down "Future me is awesome too!"

Older Naruto laughed and scruffed his younger version's hair "Let's say I let them go around a bit with Konohamaru. They were atleast in his care."

Just then, like Naruto conjured him out of nowhere, Menma walked through the door with his little brother.

"Pa! Me and Minato want to go to the playground!"

"Hold on, just stay here until these guys go home." Sasuke answered.

Younger Sasuke still couldn't believe it. Hanging his own sons.. it seemed so calm and warm having such a family in the future..

"Okay then." The boy reached out to grab Naruto's hand "I dibs hanging out with dad. You're with Pa, Minato!"

"Hahh?! No way!!" The kid also reached for one of Naruto's hands and pulled onto him.

"Oh c'mon! I just wanna tell these guys what we did!" The loud blonde sighed.

Both boys dragged Naruto to the sofa next to Ken and Himawari. "Naruto!" The little girl squealed.

Sasuke and Sakura just envied the attention that was given to their fellow teammate and the adults just chuckled together.

"As I was saying," the genin continued his chat "we went to Lightning Burger once! Wait, was it? Or was it twice?"

Menma corrected his young father "Three times! Although, you didn't enjoy most of the burgers there.."

"That's because most of the burgers you gave me were those stupid sour ones!" Naruto protested.

Sasuke made a confused face "What's a burger?"

"Beats me." Sakura shrugged.

"Well, we should get going now." The two kids moaned and didn't seem to let go of Naruto for a while.


"Hey Naruto!" Sakura skipped past the blonde "I actually miss you future self already. When's he coming back?"

"Come to think of it, yeah! When's future Naruto coming back?" Sasuke teased too.

The blonde ran past the both of them. Oh, how he missed his teammates. "No way! 'Cause now you have the real deal, Uzumaki Naruto!!"

Oh, how I'm crying because of how many chapters there are- only 14!!

I want to say a more massive thanks, bigger than Oikawa's pride, that the ones who have read this far. I love how you deal with my laziness😭

I hope you've liked this story👌(╥﹏╥)

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