Chpt.12: Into the thick of it🏃‍♂️💨

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Please, because the next half of this chapter is just as cracked as my cousin's phone screen. I beg you not to read if you're not into non-serious-shit. 🧎🤾

So, ladies and gentle-weebs (definitely no boys reading this shit), I welcome you: Chapter 12! Ft. Oikawa Tooru

"Four Miso ramens, please." Kakashi ordered as Tuechi nodded in response.

"Maannn!" Naruto sighed "I haven't seen the old Ichiraku's in ages! Time really does fly by!"

Sakura chuckled by his side and the blonde carried on looking all around the small eatery. It was just as it used to be, all cozy, smells amazing and so homely..

"So Kakashi," Sasuke whispered to his sensei. The jonin put his book slightly down to show he was paying attention "You're paying, right?"

He laughed "Of course! After all, Naruto's here and I don't wanna feel poor infront of the Seventh!"

Sasuke had completely forgotten. Naruto is going to be the Seventh Hokage in the future- that definitely sounded unreal to himself.

"Anyway," he carried on "We haven't had lunch yet and I bet we'll be looking for a technique for a while. Why not fill our stomachs first?"

The raven nodded his head slowly and looked over to Sakura and Naruto, who were of course, getting along nicely. They grinned at eachother whenever one said something funny and acted like old pals.

Kakashi starred at his student, glancing from Sasuke's gaze to the said boy and made a sly look on his eye "You wish that was you, huh?"

Sasuke scowled at him. "Oh, shut up!!"
His sensei laughed as proceeded to carrying on reading.

'Honestly, I don't get how he can read such a book here, let alone infront of his own students..' the raven thought to himself as he rested his head on the palm of his hand.

A little while later, four bowls of Miso ramen ended up infront of each of them and they began to eat.

"Thanks for the meal!"

Naruto slurped down the rest of the soup and wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve.

"Okay then, are we all done?" Kakashi looked to his students after paying the bill.

The other three answered with a 'yes' and they exited.

"A great meal, now let's get to work!" Sakura skipped. Suddenly, she stopped mid step.

"Chibi-chan!" Naruto ran after her "Wait up!"  Both Sasuke and Kakashi alike sighed at the other two as they approached the Hokage's office.

"Hold on," the pinkette said "Why are we at the Hokage's office? Shouldn't we be at some library or something?"

"Yes, the Hokage's office is a more convenient place to find such a jutsu we're looking for rather than a normal library, though." Kakashi answered as they stepped in.

They didn't need to knock anywhere to get into a few rooms until Kakashi stopped them.

"Okay then. Sakura, you can go look in some books over to the last room we've passed. Sasuke, you're searching in these scrolls." He directed.

He then turned to Naruto "Me and Naruto'll be in the opposite room to here. Make sure you come to me if you find anything or something would be the matter."

Okay y'all I'm too lazy to write so I payed OINKawa(fucking)Tooru to do it for me.
Yes, I know: 'Out of all people? You nuts?! So fucking lazy!!'

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