Chpt.7: From me to you

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This chapter is all about our two moods, Kakashi and Sasuke, offering their flowers to their boyfriends ❤️ so if you want to read on, do as you please :)

Sakura's POV:

Knock, knock.

"Hey guys!" I greeted my teammates "so? Where the flowers?~"

Naruto held out a bunch of pretty roses and dandelions, and Sasuke showed a few cute daisies.

"Hm! Not bad!" I snatched them out of their hands and handed them to Kakashi-sensei "now, let's get your man!!"

Naruto cheered with me as both Sasuke-kun and Kakashi groaned at the same time.

"Oi, chibi-chan?" Our now older teammate whispered into my ear "I already called Iruka-sensei earlier- he's actually on his way here!"

I gasped and squealed, jumping up and down "Yes, yes! Perfect! Now let's get you- out- side.."

We heaved our heavy Kakashi-sensei outside the house, and hid behind the door. Sasuke-kun put his finger to his mouth, signalling that we stayed silent.
I guess sometimes even Sasuke-kun can be interested in out antics.

"Hey, Kakashi. What's with the flowers?" We watched as Iruka-sensei pointed at the flowers and smiled warmly at their sensei.

Third Person:

The now grumpy teacher folded his arms like a little child and pouts as he listens to his students cackling together. It really wasn't his fault he messed up and said something stupid. He was just tired?

"HAHhaha!.. oh my god, really Kakashi-sensei?!" Naruto hit him on the back playfully.

"- 'T-their for.. umm..' " he imitated his sensei's words "You were so shy out there!!"

"And what's with: 'An idiot- I mean- i- no- you- a man- uh- no way-' " Sakura couldn't help but start laughing at him again and not being able to finish the sentence.

Sasuke was secretly snorting in the corner away from their sensei, also sunken up in a pool of laughter.

Kakashi pouted angrily under his mask. You see, the flowers still came to Iruka. But he gave them as an 'early birthday present'.
"Atleast he was happy with it!"

"Yeah, yeah you're right.." Naruto finally got into a straight position and sat upright "let's do something else now."

"I know. Since I feel kinda bad for sensei, Kakashi-sensei! You choose!" Sakura said.

Kakashi and the two waited for a few more minutes until Sasuke completed the circle and stop giggling. "Okay, so I was thinking we'd.. do a reading competition! Who's gonna read the longest?"

The pinky sighed "Oh come on, sensei! And I thought you'd actually have something fun to suggest."

Kakashi felt a pang of hurt. "Ah, who cares! Lemme read my book anyway."

"I know! Let's do a singing competition instead!" Sakura suggested.

"That's more like it." Naruto felt more competitive now that these guys haven't heard his voice in years. C
ome to think about it, he hasn't even sung infront of them as a child, so this is and opportunity! "So, you're joining, Sasuke?"

Sasuke 'hn'ed and Sakura clapped her hands "Yeah, that's great! Who goes first?"

"Let's have a bottle to decide." Naruto got up and brought a plastic bottle back with him and placed it in the middle of the three.

"Why not a champagne bottle, or something?"

"Because Kakashi-sensei probably doesn't drink some anyway. He's too plain for that." Kakashi's attention went back to the three and then back to his book.

The blonde spun the bottle, and ended up pointing at the raven. "Me? Aww man."

"C'mon Sasuke-kun, sing up then!" The girl cheered "and Kakashi-sensei can be the judge."

The grey-haired teacher turned to them and was now interested to see where this going.

"And what if I say no?" The Uchiha countered.

"Sasuke-kun! Come ooon!" Sakura moaned at his stubbornness "Okay then, Naruto-kun, let's think of a punishment for him!"

"You big mood, teme!" Naruto also joined in "Let's see.. come 'ere!"

The boy huffed and walked on over to the smirking Naruto, who grinned cheekily at him "What's with that face? It's weird."

"Oh, you're just the same as always, Sasuke.." Naruto kept the expression plastered on his face and then whispered into his ear, lowering his voice "You still have atleast a flower in your pocket, right?"

Sasuke nodded shyly towards the sudden mood change coming from the blond man. He took out the flower and hid it incase the other two would see.

"Great! A rose! Now, go confess and give it to someone here- it doesn't matter who, even if you'd give it to Kakashi!" Naruto chuckled under his breath "Go on! Do it! And he pushed Sasuke away.

If the genin had some crazy choices in life to make ahead, this would be the first. He looked at Kakashi. If he's going to give it to him, it'll look like he's a wimp giving a sorry present.
If he'd give it to Sakura, she's going to grow even more attached to him, and that doesn't sound very good.

"Sasuke-kun, what's taking so long for you to do it? What did Naruto-kun say?"

The last option was Naruto himself, who was looking in another direction, pretending he was oblivious to what he told him to do. Perfect.

"Dobe." He clutched the rose and turned, letting the other two see what he was hiding behind his back "..ummm...."

Sakura gasped girlishly and Kakashi's widened in surprise as Sasuke approached Naruto carefully. The blonde was closing his eyes and had a proud expression, like he was imagining how it went.

"Dobe." And his eyes shot open.
He felt so warm inside when Naruto payed attention to him, even if he was joking around.

He decided to play along with it "Sasuke? What's wrong?"

The girl secretly whispered something to her sensei, and Kakashi got the just.

"Hey, Sasuke." The jonin whispered and passed it on to the Uchiha "We know what you're going to do, kid. Go on, don't be shy!.."

"What the hell are you talking about?!.." Sasuke murmured to him.

"Don't worry, Sasuke-kun," Sakura joined in "We know your feelings for this, so go ahead! Let him know how you feel!"

The two gave the boy a light push into Naruto, who caught him just in time "Hm? Sasuke, what's up? Why're not talking?"

But Sasuke was in his own little dreamland. Naruto? He caught him. But why does he feel so eager inside, like he wants to hold onto him forever?

Sasuke then pushed Naruto away, confusing the blonde and quietly left the rose in his lap.

"..for you. Now take it." He snapped and left the room.

Sakura and Kakashi high-fived eachother happily as Naruto picked the flower up, smiling to himself.

. . .

At the same time, Sasuke Uchiha wrapped himself up in a small ball and rocked back-and-forth, thinking about what he had just done. "The Naruto.. He I loved... He gave me.. I gave rose... dobe.." 

He suddenly sat up straight, washing away the embarrassment upon his ego, which flushed down the toilet with it.

How was he supposed in interact with Naruto now? It's too awkward. If only he'd just thrown in at Kakashi's face and gave him something to cry about.

"Big brother, surely this couldn't be worst than what you had inflicted on me in the past?"

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