Chapter 12

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Before we start:

Thank you all SO much for the 1k.

You all are amazing and deserve every good thing in this b!tch of an earth.

I'll probably do another A/n about this but first the chapter.

Tw: swearing.


Dawn made it to her shop, completely soaked. Without her cloak, the iron maiden found out that her shop wasn't as close to the docks as she told Tubbo. She also almost got struck by lightning multiple times for some reason.

She unlocked the door and aftershutting down all the traps that she left arond the place, she went to the employees only room and changed into a simple but dry outfit that consisted of a black undershirt covered by a black hoodie, black leggings and shoes.

The shopkeeper had just finished drying her hair when the door bell rung and heavy steps could be heard across the hardwood floor.

- " Coming !" Dawn yelled quickly tying her hair in a ponytail.

She got behind the counter and layed eyes on a suprising fellow.

Standing on the other side of the counter was a man, who had long pink hair tied in a braid, a golden crown adorned with jewels sitting on top of his head which made him look even more like a king because his outfit was very regal from the black pants to the big red fluffy cape on his shoulders.

He had long pig-like ears which were pierced by different gold earings as well as multiple rips and tatters as if something had been ripped from there. He had two tusks coming out near his mouth like a boar, one of them had a small golden ring on it. But what caught Dawn's attention was his mask which was litteraly a pig mask where the eyes looked completely white and two small pink ears were on the top of it.

Dawn didn't really have to right to say anything about his mask when hers was just as weird. It was litterally half of a black bunny mask with a purple line to represent the eye and a long bunny ear with purple in the center.

-"Hulloo" The man spoke in one of the most monotone and deepest voice the girl had heard.

- "um, hello ! Welcome to the shop what can I help you with ?" the suprised owner asked.

The pigman seemed to hesitate and suddenly his gaze came upon Tubbo's uniform jacket that she had left to dry on the clothing hanger and he asked pointing to it.

- " I need some info about someone who wears a uniform like this. His name is um, TommyInnit. Blond, loud, about a feet shorter than you, you know where he could be ?"

- 'He's looking for Tommy ? Isn't he aware that he and Wilbur are exiled ? I mean, should I tell him where they were headed ?' Dawn thought debating on what to tell him.

The crowned man was looking around but mostly just at the uniform, it seemed like he was starting to realize that this jacket wasn't Tommy's. Then after a solid five minutes he was staring at Dawn and the sword placed in its sheath on her hip. His hands were grazing the hilt of his own sword, ready to defend himself if needed.

Finally, after 10 minutes the pink-haired 'customer' cleared his throath snapping Dawn out of her inner dilema.

- ", have you heard or seen Tommy recently ?" The man asked again awkwardly.

The wandering golem.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon