Chapter 7

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Dawn headed back to her forest with an idea.

If there's docks then that means there's people, which means shops, which then means trading.

So, what if she started her own shop near those docks ?

That will allow her to, not only see and smell the sea everyday but she could also properly meet the people living near there.

But first, she would need to get wood and other materials from her house.

So that's where our soon to be merchant was headed plus she needed to find a good spot, make plans on how to build it and when to create it.

Just as our tall adventurer got into the clearing, she heard something  fall into one of the traps she put behind her house.

Why would she put traps near her house ? So if mobs fall in them they have a high chance of dying and dropping items and free experience points.

But, Dawn doubted that it was a mob. Not only because she heard water being placed and picked up but because she also heard a human-like scream and not a monster noise.

- 'Are they okay ?' Dawn thought since it was extremely silent.

The concerned girl went towards the open trap while avoiding the other nearby and looked down with a torch.

Something was definetly down there but the obsidian tunnel was too deep to see exactly what was at the bottom.

- " Is someone there ?" Dawn asked squinting her eyes in hopes of seeing what was at the bottom.

- " Yes. Can you get me out of this hole ?" A  high-pitched male voice replied.

- " Yeah of course. I'll place some water down just one second" The girl answered quickly filling a bucket with water and placing it on top of the hole.

What swam up was very different then what Dawn was expecting.

It was a small white doll-like thing that had a green ribbon around it's neck(?). It didn'd seem to have arms but it did have two small legs underneath the cloak. The face just had a both childish and unsetling smiley face :) .

 The face just had a both childish and unsetling smiley face :)

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Our adventurer backed up a bit.

- ' Is this a new mob ?' was the first thing she thought.

The small white blob looked up at her before asking in the same voice as the one she heard in the hole.

- " Do you have any food ? That fall kinda took a toll on me ".

When he spoke Dawn jumped a little seeing as she didn't expect it to talk. But she nodded and handed it an apple.

The blob took it with his cloak forming small arms, stumbling back due to the weight of the item. And even if the apple was twice the size of it's head, it ate it in two bites like...what.

If the tall girl wasn't scared before she was now. Because, how in the love of everything did that Teru teru bozu (japanese rain dolls) that's barely the size of Dawn's ankle eat an apple in two bites ?

- " who or what are you ?" the scared hybrid asked.

- " I'm a shapshifter, this is just my form when I have to conserve my energy. My name's Dream by the way. Who are you ?" The blob said it's two dots staring at Dawn's sword.

- 'Dream ? weird name but hey it's maybe the least weird thing that hapened this week and it's only Tuesday'. Dawn thought with a hum before replying " Well, I'm Dawn. I've just arrived recently and i'm sorry for putting those....traps."

Dream now had a frown and a menacing aura around him.

-"Why would you place random traps in the forest ?" his tone was full of anger which sent shivers down the poor girl's spine.

If anyone was to come and see this scene they would laugh at the fact that a 7 feet tall Iron golem hybrid was scared of an angry itty bitty white blob that was about 3 inches tall.  

- " I well, my house is right here and to avoid possible giefers and to get ressources from mobs. I set down these traps in which you...fell...into." The frightened hybrid said in a shaky voice.

Dream seemed to calm down as his frown went back to his unsetling empty black dots and sighed.

- " Well, since it's getting late and it's kind of your fault that im stuck in this form. Care to let me rest in your house until I regain my strenght ?".

The shapshifter was right, it was getting late. The forest was oddly quiet and soon mobs would start to spawn which isn't a good thing especially when you only have a sword or in Dream's case nothing.

- 'That was more of an order than a demand but he's got a point'. " Yeah, I guess. I have like two guest rooms. But if anything goes missing, I swear to Notch that I will hunt and murder you" Dawn said her fear replaced by a faint bloodlust as she swore to brutally murder any thief.

Dream didn't seem frightened at all, it looked like he received threats every day. He just answered with an "alright" before Dawn put him on her shoulder.

They entered the house just as the monsters were coming out of the shadows, the growls of the zombies/drowned and the rattle of bones from the skeletons followed by the hissing of the spiders and the creepers filled the lack of noise that the sun had left behind.

Drowned: Zombies that live and spawn in water or near water, the undead corpse of pirates and fisherman armed with tridents or fishing rods. A drowned can also just be a zombie that stayed under water for a long time. Like their normal conterparts they burn in the daylight.

Dream was placed into one of the guest room after eating more food and Dawn tried to sleep to no avail because you can't sleep, they are monsters nearby.

Here's what a Teru teru bozu looks like:

Here's what a Teru teru bozu looks like:

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Also angry blob Dream:

Also angry blob Dream:

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