Chapter 8:

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Dawn was awake the entire night because of her golem instincs which causes her to have the urge to murder every monster she hears.

The sun was starting to rise, it's rays burning the zombies/drowned and skeletons while calming the spiders slightly. The break of dawn was always beautiful sight and the young girl always loved seing it .

' I really need to put torches arond the house' she thought while staring at the three red hearts on her wrists.

In this world, most people are born with three red hearts on their wrists. Those hearts represent your lives.

each time you die in a traumatic way whether it be by being betrayed or jumping off a cliff, you lose a life and you are left with either two or one life left.

Once you lose your last life, you are dead. Truly dead.

Anyone can choose when to stop aging but it must be after they reach their twenties.

You cannot die by old age except if you drink a potion of peaceful death which will allow the user to lay down on their bed and die in their sleep.

Those potions cannot be made by any mortal being and can only be given to a human by the godess of death herself. Which is why it is considered a myth.

Generally people live for hundreds of years without losing their last life if they're careful enough. There is the tale of a man who with only one life has been alive for millenniums while still looking like a man in his mid thirties.

That is still a tale but it doesn't seem sureal. The hybrid doesn't remember his name because the last time she heard of him was when she was talking to a villager a year ago about him. She does remember his title ' The angel of death'. Why he was called that ? Dawn had no clue.

While most people are born with three lives called 'canon lives' some can be lucky to have four or five while some sometimes only have one like ' The angel of death'.

Dawn has three canon lives but nearly lost one three years ago to a mob which caused her to be on high alert everytime she hears a hostile being.

Guess the iron girl knew what she was doing today.

If a place is lit up with any sort of light (besides fire) then mobs will not appear in the lit up area.

So the objective of today was to light up the entire clearing near her house so mobs would avoid the light and maybe she could finally sleep a full 6 hour night.

So after putting her now clean black hoodie with a black legging, socks and shoes. She left her room, her brown hair in a simple braid that took way too long to make with the mask being placed afterwards.

Dawn didn't bother to knock on the guest room's door to check on Dream since it was pretty early. So she assumed the 'shapeshifter' was still sleeping and headed down to the kitchen.

The first thing she saw in her kitchen was a man wearing a bright green hoodie. The hood was off showing the stranger's dirty blond hair that had a black line in the middle.

' How did he get in ?' Dawn asked herself 'He couldn't have broken into by the door or window because I would have heard it. So how ?'

That could wait, what was really important was to make sure the intruder would leave. doesn't matter if he's alive or dead when he's out of the house.

The hybrid's eyes looked around the room for a long range weapon. On the table next to her  was her crossbow and two arrows.

-'Perfect'. Dawn quietly took the arrows and started loading her crossbow.

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