"Jake your drink." I said cheerfully with a smile. He gave me a weirded out look, thanking me before he proceeded to take the drink from me. But as he was about to take it, I tipped my hand just a bit spilling the drink on his clothes.

"Oopsie daisy, I am so sorry." I gasped.

Then I tried to pick up the napkins kept behind the man who was talking to Jake and while picking them up I spilled the rest of the drink on him.

That is such a basic move anyone will catch on that.

Let's just pray it works.

"Oh shit, I am sorry. I am so so sorry." I kept on muttering sorry while keeping the wad of napkins on the pen drive taking one of them to wipe the man's shirt making it more of a mess.

"Let go you stupid bitch." He shouted.

"Hey!! Watch it asshole." Jake growled from behind. I looked at them both with glossy eyes and flutter my lashes to make the tears fall down my cheeks.

"I really didn't mean it. I am sorry, I will just go." I said choking out a sob. I picked up the napkins and the pen drive under it and made a beeline to the door. Meanwhile, looking at Tony with wide eyes hoping he would get the signal and come along.

Damn, you made me proud.

I can't believe I just pulled that off.

"Nyla what the fuck are you doing? What is the chaos about and why the hell are you not out of that place yet? Will anyone update me on what is going on, I am stuck in traffic." I heard Jeremy gritting out from the earpiece.

I was halfway through the door when I heard the man scream, "THAT BITCH TOOK THE PENDRIVE."

My breath hitched in my throat with the panic of being caught. Before I could process any further a boom of gunshot fill up the room at the same time someone jumps on me making me fall with them.

I look up to see the person just a meter in front of me collapse on the floor while holding onto his shoulder which was bleeding profusely. I then gaped at my hand, the pen drive was not there anymore. It must have slipped away when I fall. I whipped my face to the side to figure out who jumped on me and to my surprise, it was Mr Jerkface.

"Fast get behind the table." Jake said frantically. When he saw my incredulous stare he gritted his teeth and said, "For once listen to me. You could have just gotten shot." That was enough to get me into action. I dashed behind the table with Jake not far behind. He flipped the table so we can use the tabletop as a shield. More gunshots ring out blending with the screams of people trying to get out.

I was shaken up and as an instinct, I bring my hand up to my ear to talk to Jeremy. He always knows what to say to calm me down. But that's when I received the biggest fright. I lost the earpiece.

I was scared and don't know what to do. I kept on chanting in my head Jer please come get me.

"Give me the pen drive." Jake commanded.

"I lost it when you jumped on me." I answered.

"Don't play games with me right now Nyla, hand over the pen drive." He said in a grave voice.

"I swear I lost it when I fall." I whimper scared of the dark look in his eyes. I hold up my hands to show that I was telling the truth.

"Ugh, why are you so clumsy." He groaned.

"I am not clumsy, your fat ass was too heavy I lost my balance." I glared.

I looked up to see Jake taking out a gun making me gulp and scoot back in fear. Shit, he is going to kill me for taking the pen drive. This is the end, this is how I die. Who would have thought?

I did. I told you to not do it when you started following them. Hence proved, curiosity do kills the cat.

He saw that I was scared and immediately came to me. I let out a choked sob but he engulfed me in this arms. I tried pushing him away but. He didn't let go.

"Hey calm down, I am not going to hurt you. It's okay, everything will be alright. Just stay calm. Here, I have two you use one but there are limited bullets so use it carefully." He said while sliding a gun in front of me.

My eyes widened and I shake my head violently, " I-I ha-have never. I can't what if I accidentally shoot myself." I stutter out. He raised his eyebrows at me but let it slide.

"It's okay. Just stay here and don't move." He said and before I could say something he stood up and fired a few bullets before getting down again. He does that a few more times while I curled myself in a ball, shaking and scared shitlessly. I would have cried but my mind has still not accepted the situation I am in, it was blank.

"Listen carefully. When I signal you, be ready to run like your life depends on it because it does. Head straight to the door and I will be right behind." Jake instructed.

"What about the pen drive?" I raised my concern.

"There is no way we can get it now. We need to get out of here alive." He said and then stood up abruptly, firing some more bullets.

"RUN" he screamed and I sprinted with Jake following. We both ran outside the club.

"Let's go, fast. My car is right across the street." Jake prompted.

"I AM TRYING, but I have heels on." I grunted.


"FUCK YOU" I shouted back.

"You wish you could, don't ya?" He retorted while taking my hand and pulling me along with him.

"Shut up Jerkface this is not the time and place to fight." I glared at him.

As we get into the car we see the bad guys were not far behind. I was shutting my door when I see Jeremy hurriedly getting out of his car.

"JEREMY-" I couldn't complete my sentence as my body jolted back.


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