Chapter 16

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Okay, so this chapter is a little cheesy and sappy, but it needed it ????? Lol, I don't know. You were warned. Oh and the next chapter's probably gonna be, too, but oh well...


"Hey, Shannon!" Cody yelled.

I ran over and gave him a hug. "Cody!"

He hugged me back.

"I missed you," He kissed the top of my head.

I looked to see if Alli had come. She and Meredith were already chatting away.

"Hey, Shannon," Alli said.

"Hey, girl!" I have her a hug.

"Well, let's get going to our house," Angie politely interrupted.

When we stepped outside, I thought it was beautiful and warm. Iowa was still pretty cold, so I loved this California weather.

We walked to the SUV out front of the airport doors and got in.

Cody and I sat in the far back, Alli and Meredith in the row of seats in front of us, my mom in the passengers seat, and Angie driving.

I looked at my phone it was 12:37pm.

"Traffic's pretty bad around the airport, so it'll take a little longer to get home," Cody informed me.

"Yeah, that's alright though. I'm here with my favorite people," I shrugged.

Cody smiled. "Me, too."

We reached their house in about thirty minutes.

We pulled into their driveway. Their house is beautiful.

"Okay, we're here," Cody told me.

We all got out of the car.

I went to the trunk to get my suitcase.

"Here, I'll get," Cody grabbed my suitcase out.

"Well, thank you," I smiled.

He smiled back.

"Come on, Shannon, I'll show you in our house," Alli gestured to me.

I walked over to her and Meredith. We went inside.

It was beautiful, nice and open. It was all white, but it worked in their house. It made it look clean and simple.

"Wow! Your home's beautiful," Meredith sighed taking this all in.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Thanks," Alli said. "Oh, let's go upstairs!"

Meredith and Alli went upstairs. I stayed behind.

"I'll be up in bit!" I yelled to them.

Cody came in with all the luggage.

"Here let me help you. I'm gonna go upstairs with Alli and Meredith, so I'll take it up with me," I told Cody.

"Alright," Cody said.

I tried to grab one from his hands.

The suitcases wobbled and fell down, so did Cody and I.

Cody broke my fall. Cody, the suitcases, and I were all tangled together.

I let out a laugh and so did Cody.

"Whoa, what happened here?" Angie walked in with my mom.

"Oh, we, uh, fell," I said looking at Cody.

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