Chapter 7

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The next day I had school. I saw Meredith early this morning with all of our other friends. I talked to her.

"How's your Post Concert Depression?" I asked her.

"Terrible. How about you?" Meredith asked back.

I can't tell her. I can't tell her. I can't tell her. That's what was going through my mind. I can't tell her I didn't have any Post Concert Depression. I had Cody's number. How could I?

"Yeah, pretty bad," I lied. "Look!" I showed her my phone background. It was the picture of us with Cody.

"I know! Same!" She said.

All of our friends wanted to know what we were talking about. We showed everyone the pictures. We actually did that all throughout the day, because people started to come up to us. We were both pretty famous in school that day. It felt pretty nice actually.


Cody texted me at lunch: "Hey, babe! What's up?"

Naww!! He's so cute! I wonder if he thought about me all day? I couldn't handle that thought, I shook it away.

I texted back: "Unfortunately, I'm at school:( but I'm at lunch right now. Where are you today?"

Cody texted: "I'm in Virginia. It's beautiful weather here. Gonna do a gig later tonight."

I was just about to text back when Meredith asked, "Hey, what are you doing on your phone?"

I exited out of iMessage. "Nothing really, just on twitter. You know, the usual."

I hope she doesn't suspect anything. She can't know. Not yet. I don't even know if ever.

I texted back Cody: "Lucky! Don't rub it in. Here it's freezing! I gotta go get to class. Bye. I'll talk to you after

school, alright?:) xx."


I saw Meredith after school by our locker.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Why?" I asked back.

"Because you seem to be happier than you should after a concert. You know, with Post Concert Depression and all," Meredith explained.

"Oh, yeah. I just still can't believe this happened!" I showed her the picture on my phone again.

"Same!" Meredith said.

Hopefully, she doesn't suspect anything. She'd be so mad I didn't tell her.

We walked out of school together and went home. She rode the bus and my mom picked me up. Too bad we lived kind of far away from each other.



Sorry this chapter's really short, but I had nothing else to write about. Oops aha

It All Started With A Concert (A Cody Simpson Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن