Ch 1: What Time You Coming Out?

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London, England - 4 C.E.

There are some moments in life that are thought about forever. Life changing experiences that, while being lived, are unable to be recognized as such. But they are just that: life changing. And the brain fails to contemplate a time before such an experience. Such a cathartic moment. Or perhaps, a repressive moment.

Because of course, there is no consistency in whether the moment will be good or bad. Transformative sure, but what if for all the wrong reasons? Curt wasn't sure which this was yet. But three years after meeting Owen, Curt only thought about life in two segments.

Like a secular historical timeline, Curt thought of life after Owen Carvour as C.E.
His Common Era was the Carvour Era.

Before they met? This period of time is B.O.C.
Before Owen Carvour.

Life changing? No doubt in his mind. Good or bad? That was something Curt had yet to decide. And so as he sat next to Owen in a shady looking pub, waiting for a call from Barb... he allowed himself to reminisce, to travel back in time.

Khimki, Russia - 1 C.E.

The real date was May 27th, 1953. Curt Mega, a highly praised agent for the American Secret Service (by everyone but Cynthia that is), was reading over the mission briefing for what felt like the millionth time. It only felt this way because Curt had never bothered to do it more than once or twice; but this time was different.

The man he was ordered to work with was not one of his partners from his own agency, but the top agent at MI6. One by the name of Owen Carvour. This news was not unbelievable to Curt- and not just because he had read it for the sixth time since he received it that day. He knew the allied forces of America and Great Britain would have to start working together in Cold War espionage efforts if they were ever to fully trust each other.

The problem was that word and the entire concept of it. Trust.

It was not one Curt was fond of. To be fair, Curt's entire existence was a secret. One he had never trusted anyone with.

Curt had never come out before. He never thought it necessary. Even with his flings, all that was required was an unspoken understanding. And contrary to what the government believed, it never affected the way Curt did his job. So he left it alone. He was gay, but this title was an irrelevant part of himself.

Besides, what good could it possibly do to say the words out loud?
To another person?
To himself?

That he didn't know. But the amount of irreparable damage it could do... that's a list that he knew by heart. And with the proper dedication, and a pen that could preferably shoot acid into the faces of anyone who asked to read it, he could fill pages and pages writing it out.

So long story short: No. Curt had never trusted anyone. Why would he start now? He closed the mission briefing for the final time in mild disgust. He shredded it before leaving his hotel room.

When he got into his car, he scanned over the map quickly, barely processing the root after the first few instructions and taking off.

He was still mildly offended that not only did his own agency feel the need to keep him in check, but now felt the need to do so through international means. And ironically, Curt was too stubborn to notice how his rash driving decision was a perfect example of why he needed a "partner": poor impulse control.

Curt Mega had a distaste for patience and observation. He valued efficiency, strength, and quick wit over the things that he probably needed most to keep him alive; which is why he needed Owen. He just didn't know it yet. (And in a few years the very idea would be inconceivable.)

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