"Thanks a lot. You see that your crying causes problems?" Kyunghwan said as if he hadn't lied to Father for you.

"Whatever." You looked down at your feet.

"So are you going to tell me what you cried about? Or are you just crying over something dumb?" Kyunghwan questioned, earning another glare from you.

"It's not dumb, but I'm not telling you." As if you would bring up Hoseok to him. That was basically giving up your freedom. You had no doubt that if you mentioned Hoseok that Kyunghwan would tattle on you straight away to Father. It's more than enough that Seokjin knows he exists.

"It's probably dumb then." Kyunghwan was annoying you as always. He looked you over with a sigh, his little sister giving him the usual glare and pout. "But you'll be fine." He brought his hand up to your head. You paused at that moment, wondering if he was actually patting your head to cheer you up. Except he didn't pat your head. He only put his hand on your head with the heel of his palm against your forehead to push your head back. He had the audacity to walk away after that like nothing happened! It didn't hurt but you were so close to throwing your bag at him as revenge.


But in a way, Kyunghwan was right. You'd be fine and it was because you're a fighter! The rejection hurt you a lot though there was something there. You weren't crazy. All you needed to do was sleep on it to recharge. Then you'll be back on your feet again, ready to tackle the situation. You were afraid to fall in love with Hoseok, but here you were. In love and you weren't going to give up just yet. Not with the confusing signs he's given you. He's only given you hope by doing that which is making you more desperate with your actions.

Hoseok is permanently stuck with you and that was something he had to learn the hard way. Now that he's befriended you, you're with him for life as whatever he'll take you as. You're still holding out for hope on being lovers thanks to his confusing bullsh*t. If he at any point felt uncomfortable or truly didn't want to date you then why wouldn't he say it? You came to college the next day, finding him after his intro to fashion class and took him over to McDonald's like usual. The thing was, you had your arm wrapped around his which he surprisingly allowed. You also insisted on paying for his meal and he didn't protest. Not even once!

"What did you do with the real, Hoseok?" You huffed as he was in the middle of eating his McFlurry. He took a bite, raising a brow at you before putting his spoon back into the frozen treat.

"I'm...still the same?" Hoseok spoke with his mouth full.

"The same Hoseok who is madly in love with me?" You asked, witnessing his confusion turn into shock. Hoseok immediately began coughing as you sighed. "Hoseokie, don't die. I love you too much that it will just kill me too."

"Y-You—! I swear..." Hoseok shook his head, pretending like there wasn't a huge blush across his face. "We're just friends, (F/n)."

"We could be something more," You whispered. Leaning over the table, you smiled at Hoseok. He kept looking shy though and avoiding eye contact. "I wouldn't want to fall for anyone else, you know?"

"I...have no response." Hoseok coughed once more. A huge wave of disappointment rushed over you. How could he have nothing to say to that? No reciprocation or even telling you to knock it off? He's not making sense!

"You're full of sh*t." You grabbed your fry, aggressively flinging it in his direction. Normally you wouldn't resort to such violent acts and not to Hoseok of all people, but this was maddening. He was going to drive you crazy if he kept this up. Hoseok became still when the salty fry hit his cheek, falling onto his lap right after.

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